Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
2011 | 978-3-642-21248-2 | Gebhard Mathis | Chest Sonography |
'' | 978-3-642-21249-9 | Chittaranjan Kole | Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Forest Trees |
'' | 978-3-642-21251-2 | Chittaranjan Kole | Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Forest Trees |
'' | 978-3-642-21253-6 | Adrian-Horia Dediu · Carlos Martín-Vide · Shunsuke Inenaga | Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 5th International Conference, LATA 2011, Tarragona, Spain, May 26-31, 2011 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6638) |
'' | 978-3-642-21256-7 | Jordi Vitria · Joao Miguel Sanches · Mario Hernández | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 5th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2011, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 8-10, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6669) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21258-1 | Jordi Vitria · Joao Miguel Sanches · Mario Hernández | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis |
'' | 978-3-642-21259-8 | Jianer Chen · Jianxin Wang · Alexander Zelikovsky | Bioinformatics Research and Application: 7th International Symposium, ISBRA 2011, Changsha, China, May 27-29, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6674) |
'' | 978-3-642-21262-8 | Rong Zheng · Roger I. Tanner · Xi-Jun Fan | Injection Molding: Integration of Theory and Modeling Methods |
2014 | 978-3-642-21265-9 | Bernd Luther | Techniken der offenen Gefäßchirurgie: Standards, Taktiken, Tricks |
2011 | 978-3-642-21267-3 | Marina De Vos · Nicoletta Fornara · Jeremy V. Pitt · George Vouros | Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems VI: COIN 2010 International Workshops, COIN@AAMAS 2010, Toronto, Canada, May ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6541) |
'' | 978-3-642-21270-3 | Pascal Bouvry · Horacio González-Vélez · Joanna Kolodziej | Intelligent Decision Systems in Large-Scale Distributed Environments |
'' | 978-3-642-21273-4 | Larry Winter Roeder Jr. | Diplomacy, Funding and Animal Welfare |
2011 | 978-3-642-21275-8 | Larry Winter Roeder | Diplomacy, Funding and Animal Welfare |
'' | 978-3-642-21276-5 | Alexander Dolgin | Manifesto of the New Economy: Institutions and Business Models of the Digital Society |
'' | 978-3-642-21279-6 | Achim Zielesny | From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning: An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence (Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Band 18) |
2013 | 978-3-642-21282-6 | György Kampis · István Karsai · Eörs Szathmáry | Advances in Artificial Life: 10th European Conference, ECAL 2009, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-16, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 5777) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21285-7 | Alan Frieze · Paul Horn · Pawel Pralat | Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph: 8th International Workshop, WAW 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 27-29, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6732) |
'' | 978-3-642-21288-8 | Steven L. Percival · Derek C. Knottenbelt · Christine A. Cochrane | Biofilms and Veterinary Medicine (Springer Series on Biofilms, Band 6) |
'' | 978-3-642-21291-8 | Radu Calinescu · Ethan Jackson | Foundations of Computer Software: Modeling, Development, and Verification of Adaptive Systems 16th Monterey Workshop 2010, Redmond, USA, WA, USA, ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6662) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21294-9 | Paolo Frasconi · Francesca A. Lisi | Inductive Logic Programming: 20th International Conference, ILP 2010, Florence, Italy, June 27-30, 2010, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6489) |
'' | 978-3-642-21296-3 | Paolo Frasconi · Francesca A. Lisi | Inductive Logic Programming: 20th International Conference, ILP 2010, Florence, Italy, June 27-30, 2010, Revised Papers |
'' | 978-3-642-21297-0 | Jürgen Jost | Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis (Universitext) |
'' | 978-3-642-21299-4 | Jürgen Jost | Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis |
2013 | 978-3-642-21300-7 | Alexander Strauss · Walter Jonat · Klaus Diedrich | Behandlungspfade in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe |
2011 | 978-3-642-21302-1 | Jose Bravo · Ramón Hervás · Vladimir Villarreal | Ambient Assisted Living: Third International Workshop, IWAAL 2011, Held at IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6693) |
'' | 978-3-642-21305-2 | Wolfgang Demtröder | Laserspektroskopie 1: Grundlagen |
2012 | 978-3-642-21307-6 | Cristina Davino · Luigi Fabbris | Survey Data Collection and Integration |
2011 | 978-3-642-21310-6 | Tobias Achterberg · J. Christopher Beck | Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: 8th International Conference, CPAIOR 2011, ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6697) |
2013 | 978-3-642-21313-7 | György Kampis · István Karsai · Eörs Szathmáry | Advances in Artificial Life: 10th European Conference, ECAL 2009, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-16, 2009, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 5778) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21316-8 | Dorothea Kolossa · Reinhold Haeb-Umbach | Robust Speech Recognition of Uncertain or Missing Data: Theory and Applications |
2012 | 978-3-642-21319-9 | Gerda Meijler | Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography |
2011 | 978-3-642-21322-9 | Álvaro Herrero · Emilio Corchado | Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems: 4th International Conference, CISIS 2011, Held at IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6694) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21325-0 | José M. Ferrández · José Ramón Álvarez · Félix de la Paz · Fco. Javier Toledo | New Challenges on Bioinspired Applications: 4th International Work-conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6687) |
'' | 978-3-642-21327-4 | José M. Ferrández · José Ramón Álvarez · Félix de la Paz | New Challenges on Bioinspired Applications: 4th International Work-conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC ... May 30 - June 3, 2011. Proceedings, Part II |
2012 | 978-3-642-21328-1 | Yemima Ben-Menahem · Meir Hemmo | Probability in Physics (The Frontiers Collection) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21331-1 | Kishan G. Mehrotra · Chilukuri Mohan · Jae C. Oh · Pramod K. Varshney · Moonis Ali | Developing Concepts in Applied Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence, Band 363) |
'' | 978-3-642-21334-2 | Krešimir Veselić | Damped Oscillations of Linear Systems: A Mathematical Introduction (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Band 2023) |
'' | 978-3-642-21337-3 | Alexander Romanovsky · Tullio Vardanega | Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011: 16th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Edinburgh, UK, June ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6652) |
'' | 978-3-642-21339-7 | '' | Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011: 16th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Edinburgh, UK, June 20-24, 2011. Proceedings |
2011 | 978-3-642-21340-3 | Cristian S. Calude · Jarkko Kari · Ion Petre · Grzegorz Rozenberg | Unconventional Computation: 10th International Conference, UC 2011, Turku, Finland, June 6-10, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6714) |
'' | 978-3-642-21343-4 | José M. Ferrández · José Ramón Álvarez · Félix de la Paz · Fco. Javier Toledo | Foundations on Natural and Artificial Computation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6686) |
'' | 978-3-642-21345-8 | José M. Ferrández · José Ramón Álvarez · Félix de la Paz | Foundations on Natural and Artificial Computation: 4th International Work-conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, ... May 30 - June 3, 2011. Proceedings, Part I |
'' | 978-3-642-21346-5 | Klaus Schmid | Top Productivity through Software Reuse: 12th International Conference on Software Reuse, ICSR 2011, Pohang, South Korea, June 13-17, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6727) |
'' | 978-3-642-21349-6 | Patrick Blackburn · Hans van Ditmarsch · Maria Manzano · Fernando Soler-Toscano | Tools for Teaching Logic: Third International Congress, TICTTL 2011, Salamanca, Spain, June 1-4, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6680) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21352-6 | Allan Hanbury · Andreas Rauber · Arjen De Vries | Multidisciplinary Information Retrieval: Second Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2011, Vienna, Austria, June 6, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6653) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21355-7 | Jörg Becker · Lars Algermissen · Thorsten Falk | Modernizing Processes in Public Administrations: Process Management in the Age of e-Government and New Public Management (BPM Competence) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21358-8 | Matthias Ruffert · Sebastian Steinecke | The Global Administrative Law of Science (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, Band 228) |
2014 | 978-3-642-21361-8 | Wolfgang Freibichler · Anselm Stiehl | Praxishandbuch Operative Wertsteigerung: Wie Top-Entscheider Potenziale zur Optimierung erkennen und nutzen |
2011 | 978-3-642-21363-2 | Mike Chiasson · Ola Henfridsson · Helena Karsten · Janice I. DeGross | Researching the Future in Information Systems: IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Future IS 2011, Turku, Finland, June 6-8, 2011, Proceedings (IFIP ... and Communication Technology, Band 356) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21366-3 | Lothar Häberle · Johannes Hattler | Islam - Säkularismus - Religionsrecht: Aspekte und Gefährdungen der Religionsfreiheit |
2011 | 978-3-642-21368-7 | Rajal B. Shah · Ming Zhou | Prostate Biopsy Interpretation: An Illustrated Guide |
'' | 978-3-642-21371-7 | Nikolay Ivanov Kolev | Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3: Thermal Interactions |
2012 | 978-3-642-21373-1 | '' | Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3: Thermal Interactions |
2011 | 978-3-642-21374-8 | Roger Lee | Computers, Networks, Systems, and Industrial Engineering 2011 (Studies in Computational Intelligence, Band 365) |
'' | 978-3-642-21377-9 | Roger Lee | Computer and Information Science 2011 (Studies in Computational Intelligence (364), Band 364) |
'' | 978-3-642-21380-9 | Gereon Meyer · Jürgen Valldorf | Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2011: Smart Systems for Electric, Safe and Networked Mobility (VDI-Buch) |
'' | 978-3-642-21383-0 | Vincenzo Pallotta · Alessandro Soro · Eloisa Vargiu | Advances in Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools (Studies in Computational Intelligence, Band 361) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21386-1 | Pascal Felber · Romain Rouvoy | Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 11th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 6-9, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6723) |
'' | 978-3-642-21389-2 | John Stephen Mullane · Ba-Ngu Vo · Martin David Adams · Ba-Tuong Vo | Random Finite Sets for Robot Mapping & SLAM: New Concepts in Autonomous Robotic Map Representations (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Band 72) |
'' | 978-3-642-21392-2 | Wojciech Zamojski · Janusz Kacprzyk · Jacek Mazurkiewicz · Jaroslaw Sugier · Tomasz Walkowiak | Dependable Computer Systems (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Band 97) |
'' | 978-3-642-21395-3 | Heinz Mehlhorn | Progress in Parasitology (Parasitology Research Monographs, Band 2) |
'' | 978-3-642-21398-4 | Victor Anandam | Harmonic Functions and Potentials on Finite or Infinite Networks (Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana, Band 12) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21401-1 | Gang Shen · Xiong Huang | Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information Engineering: International Conference, CSIE 2011, Zhengzhou, China, May 21-22, 2011. ... Computer and Information Science, Band 152) |
'' | 978-3-642-21403-5 | Gang Shen · Xiong Huang | Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information Engineering: International Conference, CSIE 2011, Zhengzhou, China, May 21-22, 2011. Proceedings, Part I |
2012 | 978-3-642-21404-2 | Iris Q. Grunwald | How to set up an Acute Stroke Service |
2011 | 978-3-642-21407-3 | Irena Sherameti · Ajit Varma | Detoxification of Heavy Metals (Soil Biology, Band 30) |
'' | 978-3-642-21410-3 | Gang Shen · Xiong Huang | Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information Engineering: International Conference, CSIE 2011, Zhengzhou, China, May 21-22, 2011. ... Computer and Information Science, Band 153) |
'' | 978-3-642-21412-7 | '' | Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information Engineering: International Conference, CSIE 2011, Zhengzhou, China, May 21-22, 2011. Proceedings, Part II |
'' | 978-3-642-21413-4 | Ute Linz | Ion Beam Therapy: Fundamentals, Technology, Clinical Applications (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21416-5 | Udo Terstege | Betriebliche Finanzierung - Schnell erfasst (Wirtschaft - schnell erfasst) (German Edition) |
'' | 978-3-642-21418-9 | Sebastian Schulz-Stübner | Hygiene und Infektionsprävention. Fragen und Antworten: Über 950 Fakten für Klinik und Praxis |
'' | 978-3-642-21420-2 | Yuri B. Zudin | Theory of Periodic Conjugate Heat Transfer (Mathematical Engineering) |
'' | 978-3-642-21423-3 | Jan Camenisch · Simone Fischer-Hübner · Yuko Murayama · Armand Portmann · Carlos Rieder | Future Challenges in Security and Privacy for Academia and Industry: 26th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2011, Lucerne, ... and Communication Technology, Band 354) |
'' | 978-3-642-21425-7 | Jan Camenisch · Simone Fischer-Hübner · Yuko Murayama | Future Challenges in Security and Privacy for Academia and Industry: 26th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2011, Lucerne, Switzerland, June 7-9, 2011, Proceedings |
2012 | 978-3-642-21426-4 | Markus Heintzen · Andreas Musil | Das Steuerrecht des Gesundheitswesens: Systematik und Praxis |
2012 | 978-3-642-21428-8 | Ralf Schneeweiß | Moderne C++ Programmierung: Klassen, Templates, Design Patterns ( |
2011 | 978-3-642-21430-1 | George A. Anastassiou | Intelligent Systems: Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks (Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Band 19) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21433-2 | Youssef Hamadi · Eric Monfroy · Frédéric Saubion | Autonomous Search |
2011 | 978-3-642-21436-3 | Michael Butler · Wolfram Schulte | FM 2011: Formal Methods: 17th International Symposium on Formal Methods, Limerick, Ireland, June 20-24, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6664) |
2013 | 978-3-642-21439-4 | Volker Roder · Daniel R. Müller · Stefanie J. Schmidt · Marc Lächler | INT - Integrierte neurokognitive Therapie bei schizophren Erkrankten |
2011 | 978-3-642-21441-7 | Stephan Herpertz · Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann · Manfred Fichter · Brunna Tuschen-Caffier · Almut Zeeck | S3-Leitlinie Diagnostik und Behandlung der Essstörungen |
'' | 978-3-642-21443-1 | Kostas Pentikousis · CALVO RAMON AGUERO · Marta García-Arranz · Symeon Papavassiliou | Mobile Networks and Management: Second International ICST Conference, MONAMI 2010, Santander, Spain, September 22-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers ... and Telecommunications Engineering, Band 68) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21445-5 | Kostas Pentikousis · CALVO RAMON AGUERO · Marta García-Arranz | Mobile Networks and Management: Second International ICST Conference, MONAMI 2010, Santander, Spain, September 22-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers |
2013 | 978-3-642-21446-2 | Wolfgang Demtröder | Laserspektroskopie 2: Experimentelle Techniken |
2011 | 978-3-642-21448-6 | Abdul-Majid Wazwaz | Linear and Nonlinear Integral Equations: Methods and Applications |
'' | 978-3-642-21451-6 | Jose Natario | General Relativity Without Calculus: A Concise Introduction to the Geometry of Relativity (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-21453-0 | '' | General Relativity Without Calculus: A Concise Introduction to the Geometry of Relativity |
'' | 978-3-642-21454-7 | Marco Bernardo · Valerie Issarny | Formal Methods for Eternal Networked Software Systems: 11th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6659) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21456-1 | Marco Bernardo · Valerie Issarny | Formal Methods for Eternal Networked Software Systems: 11th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and ... Italy, June 13-18, 2011, Advanced Lectures |
'' | 978-3-642-21457-8 | Raffaele Giancarlo · Giovanni Manzini | Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 22nd Annual Symposium, CPM 2011, Palermo, Italy, June 27-29, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6661) |
'' | 978-3-642-21460-8 | Roberto Bruni · Juergen Dingel | Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems: Joint 13th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2011, and 30th IFIP WG 6.1 International ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6722) |
'' | 978-3-642-21462-2 | Roberto Bruni | (Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems: Joint 13th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Fmoods 2011, and 30th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference) By Bruni, Roberto (Author) paperback on (07 , 2011) |
'' | 978-3-642-21463-9 | Wolfgang De Meuter · Gruia-Catalin Roman | Coordination Models and Languages: 13th International Conference, COORDINATION 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 6-9, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6721) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21466-0 | Zonglin Lewis Liu | Microbial Stress Tolerance for Biofuels: Systems Biology (Microbiology Monographs, Band 22) |
'' | 978-3-642-21469-1 | Robert B. France · Jochen M. Kuester · Behzad Bordbar · Richard F. Paige | Modelling -- Foundation and Applications: 7th European Conference, ECMFA 2011, Birmingham, UK, June 6-9, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6698) |
'' | 978-3-642-21472-1 | Roustem N. Miftahof · Hong Gil Nam | Biomechanics of the Gravid Human Uterus |
2013 | 978-3-642-21475-2 | Wolfgang Demtröder | Experimentalphysik 4: Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik (Springer-Lehrbuch) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21477-6 | Argiro Vatakis · Anna Esposito · Maria Giagkou · Fred Cummins · Georgios Papadelis | Multidisciplinary Aspects of Time and Time Perception: COST TD0904 International Workshop, Athens, Greece, October 7-8, 2010, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6789) |
'' | 978-3-642-21480-6 | Raza Tahir-Kheli | General and Statistical Thermodynamics (Graduate Texts in Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-21483-7 | Isabelle Chrisment · Alva Couch · Rémi Badonnel · Martin Waldburger | Managing the Dynamics of Networks and Services: 5th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2011, Nancy, ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6734) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21486-8 | Barbara M. Chapman · William D. Gropp · Kalyan Kumaran · Matthias S. Müller | OpenMP in the Petascale Era: 7th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2011, Chicago, Il, USA, June 13-15, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6665) |
'' | 978-3-642-21489-9 | Sylvain Pogodalla · Myriam Quatrini · Christian Retoré | Logic and Grammar: Essays Dedicated to Alain Lecomte on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6700) |
'' | 978-3-642-21492-9 | Franz Winkler | Algebraic Informatics: 4th International Conference, CAI 2011, Linz, Austria, June 21-24, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6742) |
2014 | 978-3-642-21495-0 | Helmut Nüllen · Thomas Noppeney · Curt Diehm | VTE - Venöse Thromboembolien |
2011 | 978-3-642-21497-4 | Joan Cabestany · Ignacio Rojas · Gonzalo Joya | Advances in Computational Intelligence: 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6692) |
'' | 978-3-642-21500-1 | Joan Cabestany · Ignacio Rojas · Gonzalo Joya | Advances in Computational Intelligence: 11th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6691) |
'' | 978-3-642-21503-2 | Russell H. Taylor · Guang-Zhong Yang | Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions: Second International Conference, IPCAI 2011, Berlin, Germany, June 22, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6689) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21506-3 | Lutz Heuser · Wolfgang Wahlster | Internet der Dienste (acatech DISKUTIERT) |
'' | 978-3-642-21508-7 | Duygu Damar | Wilful Misconduct in International Transport Law (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, Band 22) |
'' | 978-3-642-21511-7 | Andrzej Dziech · Andrzej Czyzewski | Multimedia Communications, Services and Security: 4th International Conference, MCSS 2011, Krakow, Poland, June 2-3, 2011. Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science, Band 149) |
'' | 978-3-642-21514-8 | Ying Tan · Yuhui Shi · Yi Chai · Guoyin Wang | Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part I: Second International Conference, ICSI 2011, Chongqing, China, June 12-15, 2011, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6728) |
'' | 978-3-642-21517-9 | Xuejia Lai · Moti Yung · Dongdai Lin | Information Security and Cryptology: 6th International Conference, Inscrypt 2010, Shanghai, China, October 20-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6584) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21520-9 | Sabine Trepte · Leonard Reinecke | Privacy Online: Perspectives on Privacy and Self-Disclosure in the Social Web |
'' | 978-3-642-21523-0 | Ying Tan · Yuhui Shi · Yi Chai · Guoyin Wang | Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part II: Second International Conference, I.C.S.I. 2011, Chongqing, China, June 12-15, 2011, Proceedings, Part II ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6729) |
'' | 978-3-642-21526-1 | Julia Pahl · Torsten Reiners · Stefan Voß | Network Optimization: 5th International Conference, INOC 2011, Hamburg, Germany, June 13-16, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6701) |
'' | 978-3-642-21529-2 | Maria Francesca Costabile · Yvonne Dittrich · Gerhard Fischer · Antonio Piccinno | End-User Development: Third International Symposium, IS-EUD 2011, Torre Canne, Italy, June 7-10, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6654) |
'' | 978-3-642-21531-5 | Maria Francesca Costabile · Yvonne Dittrich · Gerhard Fischer | End-User Development: Third International Symposium, IS-EUD 2011, Torre Canne, Italy, June 7-10, 2011, Proceedings |
2011 | 978-3-642-21532-2 | Kiumars Farkisch | Data-Warehouse-Systeme kompakt: Aufbau, Architektur, Grundfunktionen ( |
'' | 978-3-642-21534-6 | Bessam Abdulrazak · Sylvain Giroux · Bruno Bouchard · Hélène Pigot · Mounir Mokhtari | Towards Useful Services for Elderly and People with Disabilities: 9th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, ICOST 2011, ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6719) |
'' | 978-3-642-21537-7 | Mohamed Kamel · Fakhri Karray · Wail Gueaieb · Alaa Khamis | Autonomous and Intelligent Systems: Second International Conference, AIS 2011, Burnaby, BC, Canada, June 22-24, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6752) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21540-7 | Tade Matthias Spranger | International Neurolaw: A Comparative Analysis |
2011 | 978-3-642-21543-8 | Björn Regnell · Inge van de Weerd · Olga De Troyer | Software Business: Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels, Belgium, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Band 80) |
'' | 978-3-642-21546-9 | Mehdi Snene · Jolita Ralyté · Jean-Henry Morin | Exploring Services Science: Second International Conference, IESS 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, February 16-18, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Band 82) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21549-0 | Wolfgang Maass · Tobias Kowatsch | Semantic Technologies in Content Management Systems: Trends, Applications and Evaluations |
'' | 978-3-642-21550-6 | James E. Gentle · Wolfgang Karl Härdle · Yuichi Mori | Handbook of Computational Statistics: Concepts and Methods (Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21553-7 | Javier López · Gene Tsudik | Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 9th International Conference, ACNS 2011, Nerja, Spain, June 7-10, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6715) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21556-8 | Carlo Sansone · Josef Kittler · Fabio Roli | Multiple Classifier Systems: 10th International Workshop, MCS 2011, Naples, Italy, June 15-17, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6713) |
'' | 978-3-642-21559-9 | Xavier Masip-Bruin · Dominique Verchere · Vassilis Tsaoussidis · Marcelo Yannuzzi | Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 9th IFIP TC 6 International Conference, WWIC 2011, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, June 15-17, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6649) |
'' | 978-3-642-21562-9 | James F. Peters · Andrzej Skowron · Hiroshi Sakai · Mihir Chakraborty · Dominik Ślęzak · Aboul-Ella Hassanien · William Zhu | Transactions on Rough Sets XIV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6600) |
'' | 978-3-642-21565-0 | Jorma Laaksonen · Timo Honkela | Advances in Self-Organizing Maps: 8th International Workshop, WSOM 2011, Espoo, Finland, June 13-15, 2011. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6371) |
'' | 978-3-642-21568-1 | Pierre Soille · Martino Pesaresi · Georgios Ouzounis | Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing: 10th International Symposium, ISMM 2011, Verbania-Intra, Italy, July 6-8, ... Notes in Computer Science, Band 6671) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21570-4 | Pierre Soille | (Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing: 10th International Symposium, ISMM 2011, Verbania-Intra, Italy, July 6-8,) By Soille, Pierre (Author) paperback on (08 , 2011) |
'' | 978-3-642-21571-1 | Caroline Morris · Jonathan Boston · Petra Butler | Reconstituting the Constitution |
'' | 978-3-642-21574-2 | Felix Geiger | The Yield Curve and Financial Risk Premia: Implications for Monetary Policy (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Band 654) |
2012 | 978-3-642-21577-3 | Ali Keyhani · Mohammad Albaijat | Smart Power Grids 2011 (Power Systems) |
2011 | 978-3-642-21580-3 | Karem A. Sakallah · Laurent Simon | Theory and Application of Satisfiability Testing: 14th International Conference, SAT 2011, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, June 19-22, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 6695) |
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