Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
2010 | 978-3-642-07415-8 | Igor V. Andrianov | Asymptotical Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures: A Handbook (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics) |
2004 | 978-3-642-07416-5 | Giovanni Gallavotti | Aspects of Ergodic, Qualitative and Statistical Theory of Motion (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07417-2 | Klaus Seidel | Remote Sensing in Snow Hydrology: Runoff Modelling, Effect of Climate Change (Springer Praxis Books) |
'' | 978-3-642-07418-9 | Matti Lepparanta | The Drift of Sea Ice (Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences) |
'' | 978-3-642-07419-6 | Viraht Sahni | Quantal Density Functional Theory |
'' | 978-3-642-07420-2 | Tarit K. Bose | High Temperature Gas Dynamics |
2013 | 978-3-642-07421-9 | Ramaier Narayanaswamy | Optical Sensors: Industrial Environmental And Diagnostic Applications (Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Band 1) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07422-6 | Boris Kosyakov | Introduction to the Classical Theory of Particles and Fields |
'' | 978-3-642-07423-3 | Polina S. Landa | Regular and Chaotic Oscillations (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07424-0 | David O. Caldwell | Current Aspects of Neutrino Physics |
'' | 978-3-642-07425-7 | P. Binetruy · R. Schaeffer · J. Silk · F. David | The primordial universe - L'univers primordial: 28 June - 23 July 1999 (Les Houches - Ecole d'Ete de Physique Theorique, Band 71) |
'' | 978-3-642-07426-4 | R. Kaiser | Coherent Atomic Matter Waves - Ondes de Matiere Coherentes: 27 July - 27 August 1999 (Les Houches - Ecole de Physique des Houches - UJF & INPG - ... - Ecole d'Ete de Physique Theorique, Band 72) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07427-1 | Bernard Hodgson | Economics as Moral Science (Ethical Economy) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07428-8 | K. Hirao | Active Glass for Photonic Devices: Photoinduced Structures and Their Application (Springer Series in Photonics (7), Band 7) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07429-5 | Jan A. Freund | "Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology" (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 557) |
'' | 978-3-642-07430-1 | Hans-Jörg Bart | Reactive Extraction (Heat and Mass Transfer) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07431-8 | Rainer Kolisch | Make-To-Order Assembly Management |
'' | 978-3-642-07432-5 | various | Adrenal Glands: Diagnostic Aspects and Surgical Therapy |
2013 | 978-3-642-07433-2 | William E. G. Thomas · Norbert Senninger | Short Stay Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07434-9 | M.M. Postnikov | Geometry Vi: Riemannian Geometry (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Band 91) |
'' | 978-3-642-07435-6 | Luis C. Corchon | Theories of Imperfectly Competitive Markets |
2010 | 978-3-642-07436-3 | Dietmar Richter | Cell Polarity and Subcellular RNA Localization (Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation): Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation |
'' | 978-3-642-07437-0 | A. Fitzsimmons · D. Jewitt · R. M. West | Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 2-5 November 1998 (ESO Astrophysics Symposia) |
| 978-3-642-07438-7 | Sherwin Carlquist | Comparative Wood Anatomy: Systematic, Ecological, and Evolutionary Aspects of Dicotyledon Wood |
2013 | 978-3-642-07439-4 | H.J. Carmichael | Directions in Quantum Optics: "A Collection Of Papers Dedicated To The Memory Of Dan Walls Including Papers Presented At The Tamu-Onr Workshop Held At ... 1999" (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 561) |
'' | 978-3-642-07440-0 | Matthias Scherge | Biological Micro- and Nanotribology: Nature'S Solutions (NanoScience and Technology) |
1900 | 978-3-642-07441-7 | B. Hillebrands | Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures I (Topics in Applied Physics, Band 83) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07442-4 | Gerald Sommer | Geometric Computing with Clifford Algebras: Theoretical Foundations and Applications in Computer Vision and Robotics |
2011 | 978-3-642-07443-1 | P. Lasjaunias · A. Berenstein · K.G. ter Brugge | Clinical Vascular Anatomy and Variations |
2013 | 978-3-642-07444-8 | Sumiyoshi Abe | Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 560) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07445-5 | Alexander Prestel | Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17Th Problem To Real Algebra (Springer Monographs In Mathematics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07446-2 | David B. Cline | Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe: Fourth International Symposium Held at Marina del Rey, CA, USA February 23-25, 2000 |
'' | 978-3-642-07447-9 | Claude Girault | Petri Nets For Systems Engineering: A Guide to Modeling, Verification, and Applications |
2013 | 978-3-642-07448-6 | K. Beyreuther | Neurodegenerative Disorders: Loss of Function Through Gain of Function (Research and Perspectives in Alzheimer's Disease) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07449-3 | Beate R. Lehndorff | High-Tc Superconductors for Magnet and Energy Technology: Fundamental Aspects (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Band 171) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07450-9 | C. Lämmerzahl · C.W.F. Everitt · F.W. Hehl | Gyros, Clocks, Interferometers...: Testing Relativistic Gravity in Space (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 562) |
'' | 978-3-642-07451-6 | G. S. Nolas | Thermoelectrics: Basic Principles and New Materials Developments (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 45) |
'' | 978-3-642-07452-3 | Jacob Greenberg | Thermodynamic Basis of Crystal Growth: Phase P-T-X Equilibrium and Non-Stoichiometry (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 44) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07453-0 | Wolfgang Grellmann · Sabine Seidler | Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers (Engineering Materials) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07454-7 | U. Müller | Magnetofluiddynamics in Channels and Containers |
2013 | 978-3-642-07455-4 | F. C. Lazaro | Binary Stars: Selected Topics on Observations and Physical Processes: "Lectures Held At The Astrophysics School Xii Organized By The European ... 1999" (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 563) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07456-1 | Fred Y. Phillips | Market-Oriented Technology Management: Innovating for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times |
2013 | 978-3-642-07457-8 | Achim Bubenzer | Photovoltaics Guidebook for Decision-Makers: Technological Status And Potential Role In Energy Economy |
2010 | 978-3-642-07458-5 | D. J. O'Connor · Brett A. Sexton · Roger St. C. Smart | Surface Analysis Methods in Materials Science (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Band 23) |
2004 | 978-3-642-07459-2 | Dominique Chapelle · Klaus-Jurgen Bathe | The Finite Element Analysis of Shells - Fundamentals (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07460-8 | Barry L. Shoop | Photonic Analog-to-Digital Conversion (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Band 81) |
'' | 978-3-642-07461-5 | James Rich | Fundamentals of Cosmology |
2013 | 978-3-642-07462-2 | Gerard G. Emch | The Logic of Thermostatistical Physics |
2011 | 978-3-642-07463-9 | Vincent Gregoire · L. W. Brady · H. P. Heilmann · M. Molls · H. Suit · Pierre Scalliet · Kie-Kian Ang | Clinical Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: A Clinical Guide to Cancer Treatment (Medical Radiology) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07464-6 | J.-P. Sauvage | Molecular Machines and Motors (Structure and Bonding, Band 99) |
'' | 978-3-642-07465-3 | Arnold E. Stütz | Glycoscience: Epimerisation, Isomerisation and Rearrangement Reactions of Carbohydrates (Topics in Current Chemistry, Band 215) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07466-0 | R.G. Parker | Radiation Oncology for Cure and Palliation (Medical Radiology) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07467-7 | Julian Schwinger | Quantum Mechanics: Symbolism of Atomic Measurements |
2013 | 978-3-642-07468-4 | Giovanni Gallavotti | Foundations of Fluid Dynamics (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07469-1 | Jovan M. Nahman | Dependability of Engineering Systems: Modeling and Evaluation |
2010 | 978-3-642-07470-7 | Alexander Ost | Performance of Communication Systems: A Model-Based Approach with Matrix-Geometric Methods |
'' | 978-3-642-07471-4 | Vladimir I. Babitsky | Vibration of Strongly Nonlinear Discontinuous Systems (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07472-1 | Reinhardt Kiehl | Weil Conjectures, Perverse Sheaves and l'adic Fourier Transform (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics, Band 42) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07473-8 | Thorsten Poschel | Granular Gases (Lecture Notes in Physics) (Lecture Notes in Physics (564), Band 564) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07474-5 | M. Ferrari · I.-O. Stamatescu | Symbol and Physical Knowledge: On the Conceptual Structure of Physics |
2013 | 978-3-642-07475-2 | John L. Lumley | Fluid Mechanics and the Environment: Dynamical Approaches: A Collection Of Research Papers Written In Commemoration Of The 60Th Birthday Of Sidney Leibovich (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 566) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07476-9 | S. Kawata | Near-Field Optics and Surface Plasmon Polaritons (Topics in Applied Physics, Band 81) |
'' | 978-3-642-07477-6 | Lynn Frewer · Einar Risvik · Hendrik Schifferstein | Food, People and Society: A European Perspective of Consumers' Food Choices |
'' | 978-3-642-07478-3 | B. Berard | Systems and Software Verification: Model-Checking Techniques and Tools |
2013 | 978-3-642-07479-0 | P.A. Vermeer | Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive-Frictional Materials (Lecture Notes in Physics (568), Band 568) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07480-6 | A. Unger | Conservation of Wood Artifacts: A Handbook (Natural Science in Archaeology) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07481-3 | H. D. Osiewacz | Industrial Applications (Mycota, Band 10) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07482-0 | Gary Cohen | Higher-Order Numerical Methods for Transient Wave Equations (Scientific Computation) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07483-7 | Heinz-Peter Spahn | From Gold to Euro: On Monetary Theory and the History of Currency Systems |
2009 | 978-3-642-07484-4 | Harvard Lomax | Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07485-1 | Ernst H. Hirschel | Numerical Flow Simulation Ii (Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Band 75) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07486-8 | Dennis R. Burton | Antibodies in Viral Infection (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 260) |
'' | 978-3-642-07487-5 | Franz Mayinger | Mobility and Traffic in the 21st Century |
'' | 978-3-642-07488-2 | Andrea Omicini · Franco Zambonelli · Matthias Klusch · Robert Tolksdorf | Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications |
'' | 978-3-642-07489-9 | L. I. Manevitch | Mechanics of Periodically Heterogeneous Structures (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07490-5 | Martin Schanz | Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic and Poroelastic Continua: A Boundary Element Approach (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Band 2) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07491-2 | Lucio Bianco · Paolo Dell'Olmo · Amedeo R. Odoni | New Concepts and Methods in Air Traffic Management (Transportation Analysis) |
'' | 978-3-642-07492-9 | Chihiro Hamaguchi | Basic Semiconductor Physics |
'' | 978-3-642-07493-6 | G. Banse · C. J. Langenbach · P. Machleidt | Towards the Information Society: The Case of Central and Eastern European Countries (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, Band 9) |
'' | 978-3-642-07494-3 | J. A. R. Ortigao · Alberto Sayao | Handbook of Slope Stabilisation |
'' | 978-3-642-07495-0 | George Greaves | Sieves in Number Theory (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics, Band 43) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07496-7 | Tarek A.T. Aboul-Kassim | Pollutant-Solid Phase Interactions: Mechanisms, Chemistry, and Modeling (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry) |
'' | 978-3-642-07497-4 | Paul J.J. Welfens | Energy Policies in the European Union: Germany's Ecological Tax Reform |
2001 | 978-3-642-07498-1 | Stefano Trillo · William Torruellas | Spatial Solitons (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Band 82) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07499-8 | Joel Spencer | The Strange Logic of Random Graphs (Algorithms and Combinatorics, Band 22) |
'' | 978-3-642-07500-1 | Brian Straughan | Continuum Mechanics And Applications In Geophysics And The Environment |
'' | 978-3-642-07501-8 | Mathias Fink · William A. Kuperman · Jean-Paul Montagner · Arnaud Tourin | Imaging of Complex Media with Acoustic and Seismic Waves (Topics in Applied Physics, Band 84) |
'' | 978-3-642-07502-5 | L. E. Towill · Y.P. S. Bajaj | Cryopreservation of Plant Germplasm II (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry (50), Band 50) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07503-2 | T. Nagata | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants XII (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry (51), Band 51) |
'' | 978-3-642-07504-9 | D. Reguera · L. L. Bonilla · J. M. Rubi | Coherent Structures in Complex Systems: Selected Papers of the XVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics. Held at Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 5-9 ... Version (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 567) |
'' | 978-3-642-07505-6 | Robert E. Rhoads | Signaling Pathways for Translation: Stress, Calcium, and Rapamycin (Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology, Band 27) |
'' | 978-3-642-07506-3 | August-Wilhelm Scheer | Start-ups are Easy, But . . . |
'' | 978-3-642-07507-0 | J. Benesty | Advances in Network and Acoustic Echo Cancellation (Digital Signal Processing) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07508-7 | Alexander S. Lipatov | The Hybrid Multiscale Simulation Technology: An Introduction with Application to Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas (Scientific Computation) |
'' | 978-3-642-07509-4 | Karolin Frank | Historic Preservation in the USA |
'' | 978-3-642-07510-0 | Rainer Stegmann · Gerd Brunner · Wolfgang Calmano · Gerhard Matz | Treatment of Contaminated Soil: Fundamentals, Analysis, Applications |
'' | 978-3-642-07511-7 | V. I. Kalikmanov | Statistical Physics of Fluids: Basic Concepts and Applications (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07512-4 | E Nevo | Evolution of Wild Emmer and Wheat Improvement: Population Genetics, Genetic Resources, and Genome Organization of Wheat's Progenitor, Triticum dicoccoides |
2010 | 978-3-642-07513-1 | John F. Jackson · H. F. Linskens | Analysis of Taste and Aroma (Molecular Methods of Plant Analysis, Band 21) |
'' | 978-3-642-07514-8 | Thomas J. Mueller | Aeroacoustic Measurements (Experimental Fluid Mechanics) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07515-5 | Peter Metz | Stereoselective Heterocyclic Synthesis Iii (Topics in Current Chemistry, Band 216) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07516-2 | Alexander Bochman | A Logical Theory of Nonmonotonic Inference and Belief Change (Artificial Intelligence) |
'' | 978-3-642-07517-9 | C. E. Henderson | Neuronal Death by Accident or by Design (Research and Perspectives in Neurosciences) |
'' | 978-3-642-07518-6 | Graham Clarke · Moss Madden | Regional Science in Business (Advances in Spatial Science) |
'' | 978-3-642-07519-3 | E. Donth | The Glass Transition: Relaxation Dynamics in Liquids and Disordered Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 48) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07520-9 | Stephan Hüfner | Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07521-6 | Daniela Dragoman | Optical Characterization of Solids |
2009 | 978-3-642-07522-3 | Y. Kawazoe · T. Kondow · K. Ohno | Clusters and Nanomaterials: Theory and Experiment (Springer Series in Cluster Physics) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07523-0 | U. Merbold | Capillary Surfaces: "Shape - Stability - Dynamics, In Particular Under Weightlessness" (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Band 178) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07524-7 | A. I. Gusev | Disorder and Order in Strongly Nonstoichiometric Compounds: Transition Metal Carbides, Nitrides and Oxides (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 47) |
1900 | 978-3-642-07525-4 | F. Ernst | High-Resolution Imaging and Spectrometry of Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 50) |
'' | 978-3-642-07526-1 | E. Hirota | Giant Magneto-Resistance Devices (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Band 40) |
2002 | 978-3-642-07527-8 | Satoshi Kawata | Nano-Optics (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Band 84) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07528-5 | Janusz Dyszlewicz | Micropolar Theory of Elasticity (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (15), Band 15) |
1900 | 978-3-642-07529-2 | Michel Fremond | Novel Approaches in Civil Engineering (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Band 14) |
'' | 978-3-642-07530-8 | Giovanni Seminara | River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics |
2010 | 978-3-642-07531-5 | Ralf Leutz | Nonimaging Fresnel Lenses: Design and Performance of Solar Concentrators (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Band 83) |
'' | 978-3-642-07532-2 | Gordon W. Gribble | Natural Production of Organohalogen Compounds (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07533-9 | James F. Blowey | Theory and Numerics of Differential Equations: Durham 2000 (Universitext) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07534-6 | Jens Nielsen | Metabolic Engineering (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (73), Band 73) |
'' | 978-3-642-07535-3 | J.-J. Zhong | Plant Cells (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Band 72) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07536-0 | Christopher D. Rahn | Mechatronic Control of Distributed Noise and Vibration: A Lyapunov Approach |
2013 | 978-3-642-07537-7 | Georg E. Cold | Topics in Neuroanaesthesia and Neurointensive Care: Experimental And Clinical Studies Upon Cerebral Circulation, Metabolism And Intracranial Pressure |
2010 | 978-3-642-07538-4 | Jukka Saranen | Periodic Integral and Pseudodifferential Equations with Numerical Approximation (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07539-1 | Gerard Debreu · Wilhelm Neuefeind · Walter Trockel | Economics Essays: A Festschrift for Werner Hildenbrand |
'' | 978-3-642-07540-7 | Stephane P. Demri | Incomplete Information: Structure, Inference, Complexity (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series) |
'' | 978-3-642-07541-4 | Peter Thiede | Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies: Proceedings of the C.E.A.S./DragNet European Drag Reduction Conference, 19-21 June 2000, Potsdam, Germany ... and Multidisciplinary Design, Band 76) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07542-1 | F. Combes | Galaxies and Cosmology (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) |
'' | 978-3-642-07543-8 | Luigi Accardi | Quantum Theory and Its Stochastic Limit |
'' | 978-3-642-07544-5 | I. Roth · H. Lindorf | South American Medicinal Plants: Botany, Remedial Properties and General Use |
'' | 978-3-642-07545-2 | J. Blazewic | Scheduling Computer and Manufacturing Processes |
'' | 978-3-642-07546-9 | Audun Holme | Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage |
2010 | 978-3-642-07547-6 | Michael Brandstein · Darren Ward | Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications (Digital Signal Processing) |
'' | 978-3-642-07548-3 | Manfred M. Fischer | Metropolitan Innovation Systems: Theory and Evidence from Three Metropolitan Regions in Europe (Advances in Spatial Science) |
'' | 978-3-642-07549-0 | Manfred M. Fischer · Yee Leung | GeoComputational Modelling: Techniques and Applications (Advances in Spatial Science) |
'' | 978-3-642-07550-6 | Manfred M. Fischer · Josef Frohlich | Knowledge, Complexity and Innovation Systems (Advances in Spatial Science) |
2012 | 978-3-642-07551-3 | Geoffrey Brennan · Hartmut Kliemt · Robert D. Tollison | Method and Morals in Constitutional Economics: Essays In Honor Of James M. Buchanan (Ethical Economy) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07552-0 | Bernhard Kramer | Advances in Solid State Physics 41 |
'' | 978-3-642-07553-7 | J. W. Lloyd | Logic for Learning: Learning Comprehensible Theories from Structured Data (Cognitive Technologies) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07554-4 | Frederic R. Siegel | Environmental Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Metals |
'' | 978-3-642-07555-1 | Vladimir M. Shalaev | Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media (Topics in Applied Physics, Band 82) |
'' | 978-3-642-07556-8 | Michael Carlberg | An Economic Analysis Of Monetary Union |
2013 | 978-3-642-07557-5 | Friedrich G. Barth | A Spider's World: Senses And Behavior |
2010 | 978-3-642-07558-2 | Mohamed Hafez · Koji Morinishi · Jacques Periaux | Computational Fluid Dynamics for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Symposium Honoring Prof. Satofuka on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, Kyoto, ... and Multidisciplinary Design, Band 78) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07559-9 | Antonio Gianguzza | Chemistry of Marine Water and Sediments (Environmental Science and Engineering) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07560-5 | J. Bricmont · D. Durr · M. C. Galavotti · G. Ghirardi · F. Petruccione · N. Zanghi | Chance in Physics: Foundations and Perspectives (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 574) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07561-2 | A.H. Neilson | Organofluorines (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry) |
'' | 978-3-642-07562-9 | Alexander S. Holevo | Statistical Structure of Quantum Theory (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, Band 67) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07563-6 | Ulrich Witt | Escaping Satiation: The Demand Side of Economic Growth |
'' | 978-3-642-07564-3 | Matthias Jarke | Fundamentals of Data Warehouses |
2010 | 978-3-642-07565-0 | Fritz Vogtle · Christoph A. Schalley | Dendrimers IV: Metal Coordination, Self Assembly, Catalysis (Topics in Current Chemistry, Band 217) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07566-7 | Soledad Penades | Host-Guest Chemistry: Mimetic Approaches To Study Carbohydrate Recognition (Topics in Current Chemistry (218), Band 218) |
2002 | 978-3-642-07567-4 | Vincenzo Barone | High-Energy Particle Diffraction (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07568-1 | Carlos Gomez-Reino | Gradient-Index Optics: Fundamentals and Applications |
2013 | 978-3-642-07569-8 | H.R. Brown | Molecular Simulation Fracture Gel Theory (Advances in Polymer Science, Band 156) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07570-4 | Arild Stubhaug | The Mathematician Sophus Lie: It was the Audacity of My Thinking |
'' | 978-3-642-07571-1 | K.-H. Hoffmann · Michael Schreiber | Computational Statistical Physics: From Billards to Monte-Carlo |
'' | 978-3-642-07572-8 | Andreas Springer | UMTS: The Physical Layer of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (Signals and Communication Technology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07573-5 | Hermann Haken | Synergetic Computers and Cognition: A Top-Down Approach to Neural Nets (Springer Series in Synergetics (50), Band 50) |
'' | 978-3-642-07574-2 | Alexander S. Mikhailov | From Cells to Societies: Models of Complex Coherent Action (Springer Series in Synergetics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07575-9 | Paul J.J. Welfens | Internationalization Of The Economy And Environmental Policy Options |
2013 | 978-3-642-07576-6 | Norio Miyaura | Cross-Coupling Reactions: A Practical Guide (Topics in Current Chemistry, Band 219) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07577-3 | D.D. Awschalom · D. Loss · N. Samarth | Semiconductor Spintronics and Quantum Computation (NanoScience and Technology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07578-0 | D. B. Sirdeshmukh | Alkali Halides: A Handbook of Physical Properties (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 49) |
'' | 978-3-642-07579-7 | A. V. Boiko | The Origin of Turbulence in Near-Wall Flows |
2013 | 978-3-642-07580-3 | Riccardo Casale | Natural Disasters and Sustainable Development (Environmental Science and Engineering) |
'' | 978-3-642-07581-0 | Lane A. Hemaspaandra | Theory of Semi-Feasible Algorithms (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07582-7 | Christian Lantuejoul | Geostatistical Simulation: Models and Algorithms |
'' | 978-3-642-07583-4 | Andrea Tettamanzi | Soft Computing: Integrating Evolutionary, Neural, and Fuzzy Systems |
2010 | 978-3-642-07584-1 | V. V. Kozlov | Dynamical Systems X: General Theory of Vortices (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences (67), Band 67) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07585-8 | Luiz Drude De Lacerda | Mangrove Ecosystems: Function And Management (Environmental Science and Engineering) |
'' | 978-3-642-07586-5 | Thomas Schäpers | Superconductor/Semiconductor Junctions (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Band 174) |
'' | 978-3-642-07587-2 | Rolf Haug | Interacting Electrons in Nanostructures (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 579) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07588-9 | Peter Bickel · Rainer Friedrich | Environmental External Costs of Transport |
2010 | 978-3-642-07589-6 | C. F. Barenghi · R. J. Donnelly · W. F. Vinen | Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 571) |
'' | 978-3-642-07590-2 | Mogens Henze | Wastewater Treatment: Biological and Chemical Processes (Environmental Science and Engineering) |
'' | 978-3-642-07591-9 | Fritz Scholz | Electroanalytical Methods: Guide to Experiments and Applications |
2013 | 978-3-642-07592-6 | David Eisenbud · Daniel R. Grayson · Mike Stillman · Bernd Sturmfels | Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2 (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics) (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics (8), Band 8) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07593-3 | George J. Wakileh | Power Systems Harmonics: Fundamentals, Analysis and Filter Design |
2010 | 978-3-642-07594-0 | Manola Brunet India · Diego Lopez Bonillo | Detecting and Modelling Regional Climate Change |
'' | 978-3-642-07595-7 | Jean-Pierre Majoral | New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry I (Topics in Current Chemistry, Band 220) |
'' | 978-3-642-07596-4 | W. Krause | Contrast Agents I: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Topics in Current Chemistry (221), Band 221) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07597-1 | A.-C. Albertsson | Degradable Aliphatic Polyesters (Advances in Polymer Science, Band 157) |
'' | 978-3-642-07598-8 | K. Schügerl | Tools and Applications of Biochemical Engineering Science (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Band 74) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07599-5 | Geoffrey P. Chapman | The Plant Life of China: Diversity and Distribution |
2013 | 978-3-642-07600-8 | Gustav Gautschi | Piezoelectric Sensorics: Force Strain Pressure Acceleration And Acoustic Emission Sensors Materials And Amplifiers |
2010 | 978-3-642-07601-5 | Holger Bonin | Generational Accounting: Theory and Application (Population Economics) |
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