Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
2001 | 978-3-642-07615-2 | Mahendra P. Singh | German Administrative Law in Common Law Perspective (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, Band 149) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07616-9 | T. Scheper | History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07617-6 | Hubert Hahn | Rigid Body Dynamics of Mechanisms: 1 Theoretical Basis |
'' | 978-3-642-07618-3 | Bahram Amin | Induction Motors: Analysis and Torque Control (Power Systems) |
'' | 978-3-642-07619-0 | Jean Kovalevsky | Modern Astrometry |
2013 | 978-3-642-07620-6 | C. Bosshard | Polymers for Photonics Applications I: Nonlinear Optical and Electroluminescene Polymers (Advances in Polymer Science, Band 158) |
'' | 978-3-642-07621-3 | K. Baberschke | Band-Ferromagnetism: Ground-State And Finite-Temperature Phenomena (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 580) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07622-0 | Johann R.E. Lutjeharms | The Agulhas Current |
2010 | 978-3-642-07623-7 | Bruno S. Frey · Margit Osterloh | Successful Management by Motivation: Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives (Organization and Management Innovation) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07624-4 | J. M. Arias | An Advanced Course in Modern Nuclear Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 581) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07625-1 | Frank W. Marcoux · Dennis W. Choi | CNS Neuroprotection (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (155), Band 155) |
| 978-3-642-07626-8 | Foundations of Computational Linguistics: Human-Computer Communication in Natural Language |
2009 | 978-3-642-07627-5 | H. Figger · D. Meschede · C. Zimmermann | Laser Physics at the Limits |
2010 | 978-3-642-07628-2 | Lars Lundqvist · Lars-Göran Mattsson | National Transport Models: Recent Developments and Prospects (Advances in Spatial Science) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07629-9 | W.D. Newmark | Conserving Biodiversity in East African Forests: A Study Of The Eastern Arc Mountains (Ecological Studies (155), Band 155) |
| 978-3-642-07630-5 | Werner Pepperhoff | Constitution and Magnetism of Iron and its Alloys |
2013 | 978-3-642-07631-2 | Nir Polonsky | Supersymmetry: Structure and Phenomena: Extensions Of The Standard Model (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, Band 68) |
1900 | 978-3-642-07632-9 | William B. Langdon | Foundations of Genetic Programming |
2010 | 978-3-642-07633-6 | Martin Grotschel · Sven O. Krumke · Jorg Rambau | Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems: State of the Art |
'' | 978-3-642-07634-3 | Michael G. Sideris | Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000: GGG2000 IAG International Symposium, Banf, Alberta, Canada, July 31-August 4, 2000: GGG2000 IAG International ... of Geodesy Symposia (123), Band 123) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07635-0 | Cesarettin Alasalvar · Tony Taylor | Seafoods - Technology, Quality And Nutraceutical Applications |
2010 | 978-3-642-07636-7 | R. C. Srivastava | Shock Focussing Effect In Medical Science And Sonoluminescence |
'' | 978-3-642-07637-4 | Bruno Sportisse | Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation |
'' | 978-3-642-07638-1 | Karin Bergmann | Dealing with consumer uncertainty: Public Relations in the Food Sector (Gesunde Ernährung Healthy Nutrition) |
2002 | 978-3-642-07639-8 | Joachim Koch · Michael Mahler | Peptide Arrays on Membrane Supports: Synthesis and Applications (Springer Lab Manuals) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07640-4 | Peter Schneider | Nonarchimedean Functional Analysis (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07641-1 | Alena Mudroch | Remediation of Abandoned Surface Coal Mining Sites: A Nato-Project (Environmental Science and Engineering) |
'' | 978-3-642-07642-8 | Luiz Drude De Lacerda Lace | Environmental Geochemistry in Tropical and Subtropical Environments (Environmental Science and Engineering) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07643-5 | Manfred Taferner | Wireless Internet Access over Gsm and Umts (Signals and Communication Technology) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07644-2 | Lorenz Ratke | Growth and Coarsening: Ostwald Ripening in Material Processing (Engineering Materials) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07645-9 | Jan Klein · Naoyuki Takahata | Where Do We Come From?: The Molecular Evidence for Human Descent |
2013 | 978-3-642-07646-6 | Joan Daemen | The Design of Rijndael: Aes - The Advanced Encryption Standard (Information Security And Cryptography) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07647-3 | Angelo Marcello Anile · Vincenzo Capasso · Antonio Greco | Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000 (Mathematics in Industry (1), Band 1) |
'' | 978-3-642-07648-0 | G. Seltmann | The Bacterial Cell Wall |
2013 | 978-3-642-07649-7 | Wilfried Staude | Laser-Strophometry: High-Resolution Techniques For Velocity Gradient Measurements In Fluid Flows (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, Band 69) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07650-3 | F. Kempken | Agricultural Applications XI (The Mycota, Band 11) |
'' | 978-3-642-07651-0 | J. E. Domer | Human Fungal Pathogens XII (The Mycota (12), Band 12) |
'' | 978-3-642-07652-7 | R. Brambl | Biochemistry And Molecular Biology (The Mycota) |
'' | 978-3-642-07653-4 | Ulf Hashagen · Reinhard Keil-Slawik · Arthur Norberg | History of Computing: Software Issues: International Conference on the History of Computing, ICHC 2000, April 5-7, 2000, Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Paderborn, Germany |
2010 | 978-3-642-07654-1 | James H. Whitelaw · Francisco Payri · Jose-M. Desantes | Thermo-and Fluid-dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines: Selected papers from the THIESEL 2000 Conference held in Valencia, Spain, September 13-15, 2000 |
2013 | 978-3-642-07655-8 | B. Dietzschold | Protective and Pathological Immune Responses in the Cns (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 265) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07656-5 | J. Hacker · J. B. Kaper | Pathogenicity Islands and the Evolution of Pathogenic Microbes: Volume I (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 264) |
'' | 978-3-642-07657-2 | P. J. Bentley | Endocrines and Osmoregulation: A Comparative Account in Vertebrates (Zoophysiology, Band 39) |
'' | 978-3-642-07658-9 | Michael Schreckenberg · Som Deo Sharma | Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics |
'' | 978-3-642-07659-6 | Gaetano Di Chiara | Dopamine in the CNS II (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07660-2 | Bela Bollobas | Contemporary Combinatorics (Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07661-9 | Alan J. Auerbach · Heinz Herrmann | Ageing, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy |
'' | 978-3-642-07662-6 | Toshiyuki Nagata · Satoshi Tabata | Brassicas And Legumes: From Genome Structure to Breeding (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07663-3 | Vittorio Ingegnoli | Landscape Ecology: A Widening Foundation: A Widening Foundation |
2010 | 978-3-642-07664-0 | R.A. Bertlmann · A. Zeilinger | Quantum (Un)speakables: From Bell to Quantum Information |
1900 | 978-3-642-07665-7 | J. Milton | Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07666-4 | Heino H. Nau · Bertram Schefold | The Historicity of Economics: Continuities and Discontinuities of Historical Thought in 19th and 20th Century Economics (Ethical Economy) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07667-1 | Ulrich Kück | Genetics and Biotechnology (The Mycota) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07668-8 | Enrico Costa · Filippo Frontera · Jens Hjorth | Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000 (ESO Astrophysics Symposia) |
'' | 978-3-642-07669-5 | Roberto Ruozi · Luisa Anderloni | Modernisation and Privatisation of Postal Systems in Europe: New Opportunities in the Area of Financial Services |
'' | 978-3-642-07670-1 | F. Breyer · H. Kliemt · F. Thiele | Rationing in Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Practical Aspects (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, Band 13) |
'' | 978-3-642-07671-8 | M. Decker | Interdisciplinarity in Technology Assessment: Implementation and its Chances and Limits (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, Band 11) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07672-5 | Nikolay N. Rosanov | Spatial Hysteresis and Optical Patterns (Springer Series in Synergetics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07673-2 | S. Cristiani · A. Renzini · R. Williams | Deep Fields: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 9-12 October 2000 (ESO Astrophysics Symposia) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07674-9 | Ji-Tao Wang | Nonequilibrium Nondissipative Thermodynamics: With Application To Low-Pressure Diamond Synthesis (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Band 68) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07675-6 | Y. Masumoto · T. Takagahara | Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Physics, Spectroscopy and Applications (NanoScience and Technology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07676-3 | Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell | Completing Transition: The Main Challenges |
2013 | 978-3-642-07677-0 | R.J. Adrian · D.F.G. Durao · M.V. Heitor · M. Maeda · C. Tropea · J.H. Whitelaw | Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers From The 10Th International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal July 10-13, 2000 |
2011 | 978-3-642-07678-7 | Yang Xinrong · Chen Anmin · Ma Yingfu · Gao Yuan · Gao Zhemin · F. Bingyi · S. Fang · Q. Jinlin | Encyclopedic Reference of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
2010 | 978-3-642-07679-4 | Hitoshi Nejo | Nanoelectrodynamics: Electrons and Electromagnetic Fields in Nanometer-Scale Structures (NanoScience and Technology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07680-0 | K. Kubitzki | Flowering Plants. Dicotyledons: Malvales, Capparales and Non-betalain Caryophyllales (The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants) |
'' | 978-3-642-07681-7 | Piotr Chrusciel | Hamiltonian Field Theory in the Radiating Regime (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, Band 70) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07682-4 | M. D. Cooper | The Interface Between Innate and Acquired Immunity (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 266) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07683-1 | Olaf Kolditz | Computational Methods in Environmental Fluid Mechanics |
2013 | 978-3-642-07684-8 | M. Lemoine | Physics and Astrophysics of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 576) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07685-5 | Tod A. Laursen | Computational Contact and Impact Mechanics: Fundamentals of Modeling Interfacial Phenomena in Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis |
2014 | 978-3-642-07686-2 | Bernhard Kramer | Advances in Solid State Physics (Advances in Solid State Physics (42), Band 42) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07687-9 | C. Guet · P. Hobza · F. Spiegelman · F. David | Atomic clusters and nanoparticles. Agregats atomiques et nanoparticules: Les Houches Session LXXIII 2-28 July 2000 (Les Houches - Ecole d'Ete de Physique Theorique, Band 73) |
'' | 978-3-642-07688-6 | Masamichi Takesaki | Theory of Operator Algebras III (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Band 127) |
'' | 978-3-642-07689-3 | Masamichi Takesaki | Theory of Operator Algebras II (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Band 125) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07690-9 | Gerald Schernewski · Ulrich Schiewer | Baltic Coastal Ecosystems: Structure, Function And Coastal Zone Management (Central And Eastern European Development Studies (Ceedes)) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07691-6 | Peter S. Belton | Pseudocereals and Less Common Cereals: Grain Properties and Utilization Potential |
2003 | 978-3-642-07692-3 | Xavier Lurton | Underwater Acoustics: An Introduction (Springer Praxis Books) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07693-0 | N. J. Balmforth · A. Provenzale | Geomorphological Fluid Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Physics (582), Band 582) |
'' | 978-3-642-07694-7 | Felix Schier | Laparoscopy in Children |
'' | 978-3-642-07695-4 | M. Lesieur · A. Yaglom · F. David | New trends in turbulence. Turbulence: nouveaux aspects: Les Houches Session LXXIV 31 July - 1 September 2000 (Les Houches - Ecole d'Ete de Physique Theorique, Band 74) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07696-1 | P. Soille | Morphological Image Analysis: Principles and Applications |
'' | 978-3-642-07697-8 | Peter Stavroulakis | Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Fields: Mechanisms, Modeling, Biological Effects, Therapeutic Effects, International Standards, Exposure Criteria |
2013 | 978-3-642-07698-5 | Martin Philip Bendsoe | Topology Optimization: "Theory, Methods, And Applications" |
2010 | 978-3-642-07699-2 | A. B. Semenov | Structured Cable Systems (Signals and Communication Technology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07700-5 | Lars Hedegaard | The Nebi Yearbook 2001/2002: North European and Baltic Sea Integration |
'' | 978-3-642-07701-2 | Hermann Drewes | Vertical Reference Systems: IAG Symposium Cartagena, Colombia, February 20-23, 2001 (International Association of Geodesy Symposia) (International Association of Geodesy Symposia (124), Band 124) |
'' | 978-3-642-07702-9 | I-Shih Liu | Continuum Mechanics (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07703-6 | Josef Honerkamp | Statistical Physics: An Advanced Approach with Applications. Web-enhanced with Problems and Solutions (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07704-3 | W. B. Harrison · B.A. C. Dijkmans | Combination Treatment in Autoimmune Diseases |
2010 | 978-3-642-07705-0 | Susanne Hummel | Ancient DNA Typing: Methods, Strategies and Applications |
2013 | 978-3-642-07706-7 | Ruth Freitag | Modern Advances in Chromatography (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Band 76) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07707-4 | Michael R. Berthold · David J Hand | Intelligent Data Analysis: An Introduction |
2013 | 978-3-642-07708-1 | Iickho Song | Advanced Theory of Signal Detection: Weak Signal Detection In Generalized Observations (Signals and Communication Technology) |
'' | 978-3-642-07709-8 | Stefan Odenbach | Magnetoviscous Effects in Ferrofluids (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs, Band 71) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07710-4 | Song Y. Yan | Number Theory for Computing |
2013 | 978-3-642-07711-1 | E.M. Harrell | Quantum Mathematical Physics: "Atoms, Molecules And Large Systems" |
2010 | 978-3-642-07712-8 | Geoffrey J. D. Hewings · Michael Sonis · David Boyce | Trade, Networks and Hierarchies: Modeling Regional and Interregional Economies (Advances in Spatial Science) |
'' | 978-3-642-07713-5 | Josef Pieprzyk | Fundamentals of Computer Security |
2009 | 978-3-642-07714-2 | F Palla | Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 29. Lecture Notes 1999. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy |
2010 | 978-3-642-07715-9 | Vladimir I. Danilov | Social Choice Mechanisms (Studies in Economic Design) |
'' | 978-3-642-07716-6 | Colin Boyd | Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment |
'' | 978-3-642-07717-3 | Daniel Mittleman | Sensing with Terahertz Radiation |
2010 | 978-3-642-07718-0 | Peter Haupt | Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Materials (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07719-7 | Bhaskar Dutta · Matthew O. Jackson | Networks and Groups: Models of Strategic Formation (Studies in Economic Design) |
'' | 978-3-642-07720-3 | Daijiro Yoshioka | The Quantum Hall Effect (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Band 133) |
'' | 978-3-642-07721-0 | Y. Guo | Nonlinear Photonics: Nonlinearities in Optics, Optoelectronics and Fiber Communications (Springer Series in Photonics, Band 8) |
'' | 978-3-642-07722-7 | Leonid Tushinsky | Coated Metal: Structure and Properties of Metal-Coating Compositions (Engineering Materials) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07723-4 | F. Aldinger | High Performance Non-Oxide Ceramics I (Structure and Bonding, Band 101) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07724-1 | M. Jansen | High Performance Non-Oxide Ceramics Ii |
2010 | 978-3-642-07725-8 | Shunji Osaki | Stochastic Models in Reliability and Maintenance |
2010 | 978-3-642-07726-5 | Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera | Indium: Geology, Mineralogy, and Economics |
2013 | 978-3-642-07727-2 | Fabian M.E. Duddeck | Fourier Bem: Generalization Of Boundary Element Methods By Fourier Transform (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Band 5) |
'' | 978-3-642-07728-9 | D. Lange | Cmos Cantilever Sensor Systems: Atomic Force Microscopy And Gas Sensing Applications (Microtechnology and MEMS) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07729-6 | Andreas Heilmann | Polymer Films with Embedded Metal Nanoparticles (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 52) |
1900 | 978-3-642-07730-2 | J. F. Jackson | Testing for Genetic Manipulation in Plants (Molecular Methods of Plant Analysis, Band 22) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07731-9 | Kwang-Sup Lee | Polymers for Photonics Applications Ii: "Nonlinear Optical, Photorefractive And Two-Photon Absorption Polymers" (Advances in Polymer Science, Band 161) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07732-6 | Helmut Weidner · Martin Janicke | Capacity Building in National Environmental Policy: A Comparative Study of 17 Countries |
'' | 978-3-642-07733-3 | Erik W. Grafarend | Geodesy - The Challenge of the Third Millennium |
'' | 978-3-642-07734-0 | Li Zheng | Strategic Production Networks |
'' | 978-3-642-07735-7 | Beate Brand-Saberi | Vertebrate Myogenesis: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation |
2010 | 978-3-642-07736-4 | David Audretsch · Paul J. J. Welfens | The New Economy and Economic Growth in Europe and the US (American and European Economic and Political Studies) |
2011 | 978-3-642-07737-1 | Ernst Meyer | Scanning Probe Microscopy: The Lab On A Tip (Advanced Texts In Physics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07738-8 | M. R. Oliver | Chemical-Mechanical Planarization of Semiconductor Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 69) |
'' | 978-3-642-07739-5 | Luc T. Wille | New Directions in Statistical Physics: Econophysics, Bioinformatics, and Pattern Recognition |
'' | 978-3-642-07740-1 | Gerald Spindler · Fritjof Borner | E-Commerce Law in Europe and the USA |
'' | 978-3-642-07741-8 | Ravi P. Gupta | Remote Sensing Geology |
'' | 978-3-642-07742-5 | Tonu Puu · Irina Sushko | Oligopoly Dynamics: Models and Tools |
2009 | 978-3-642-07743-2 | M. Lassig · A. Valleriani | Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 585) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07744-9 | Gerold Wefer | Climate Development and History of the North Atlantic Realm |
2011 | 978-3-642-07745-6 | A. Bialynicki-Birula | Algebraic Quotients. Torus Actions and Cohomology. The Adjoint Representation and the Adjoint Action (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07746-3 | Kurt Binder | Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07747-0 | Horst Siebert | Economic Policy for Aging Societies |
2013 | 978-3-642-07748-7 | W. Plessas | Lectures on Quark Matter (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 583) |
'' | 978-3-642-07749-4 | Peter Kramer | Coverings of Discrete Quasiperiodic Sets: Theory And Applications To Quasicrystals (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Band 180) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07750-0 | Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura · Marti Parellada | Regional Convergence in the European Union: Facts, Prospects and Policies (Advances in Spatial Science) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07751-7 | Marc Burger · Alessandra Iozzi | Rigidity in Dynamics and Geometry: Contributions From The Programme Ergodic Theory, Geometric Rigidity And Number Theory, Isaac Newton Institute For . . . United Kingdom, 5 January - 7 July 2000 |
2012 | 978-3-642-07752-4 | Kelly A. Davis | Statistical, Gradient, Block and Graft Copolymers by Controlled/Living Radical Polymerizations (Advances in Polymer Science) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07753-1 | Elbio Dagotto | Nanoscale Phase Separation and Colossal Magnetoresistance: The Physics of Manganites and Related Compounds (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Band 136) |
'' | 978-3-642-07754-8 | Da Ruan · Paolo F. Fantoni | Power Plant Surveillance and Diagnostics: Applied Research with Artificial Intelligence (Power Systems) |
'' | 978-3-642-07755-5 | M. Willert-Porada | Advances in Microwave and Radio Frequency Processing: Report from the 8th International Conference on Microwave and High-Frequency Heating held in Bayreuth, Germany, September 3-7, 2001 |
'' | 978-3-642-07756-2 | Klaus F. Zimmermann | Frontiers in Economics |
2010 | 978-3-642-07757-9 | Alexej Gvishiani | Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Systems for Geophysical Applications |
'' | 978-3-642-07758-6 | Hans-Paul Schwefel · Ingo Wegener · Klaus Weinert | Advances in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice (Natural Computing Series) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07759-3 | Berthold U. Wigger | Public Pensions and Economic Growth |
2010 | 978-3-642-07760-9 | P. Boffi · D. Piccinin · M. C. Ubaldi | Infrared Holography for Optical Communications: Techniques, Materials, and Devices (Topics in Applied Physics, Band 86) |
'' | 978-3-642-07761-6 | Burkhard Schulte-Werning · Remi Gregoire · Antonio Malfatti · Gerd Matschke | TRANSAERO - A European Initiative on Transient Aerodynamics for Railway System Optimisation (Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Band 79) |
'' | 978-3-642-07762-3 | Egon Stanewsky · J. Delery · John Fulker · Paolo de Matteis | Drag Reduction by Shock and Boundary Layer Control: Results of the Project EUROSHOCK II. Supported by the European Union 1996-1999 (Notes on Numerical ... and Multidisciplinary Design, Band 80) |
2012 | 978-3-642-07763-0 | Alex A. Freitas | Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery With Evolutionary Algorithms (Natural Computing Series) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07764-7 | Y. Auregan · A. Maurel · V. Pagneux · J. -F. Pinton | Sound-Flow Interactions (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 586) |
'' | 978-3-642-07765-4 | Paul J. J. Welfens | Macroeconomics, Deregulation, and Innovation |
| 978-3-642-07766-1 | SiO2 in Si Microdevices (Springer Series in Materials Science) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07767-8 | Louis Marchildon | Quantum Mechanics: From Basic Principles to Numerical Methods and Applications (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07768-5 | M. T. Tyree | Xylem Structure and the Ascent of Sap (Springer Series in Wood Science) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07769-2 | Michael Carlberg | Inflation in a Monetary Union |
2010 | 978-3-642-07770-8 | George Contopoulos | Order and Chaos in Dynamical Astronomy (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) |
'' | 978-3-642-07771-5 | Michael A. Dopita | Astrophysics of the Diffuse Universe (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07772-2 | Dieter Heiss | Fundamentals of Quantum Information: "Quantum Computation, Communication, Decoherence And All That" (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 587) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07773-9 | Kirill Ya. Kondratyev | Global Environmental Change: Modelling and Monitoring |
'' | 978-3-642-07774-6 | D. J. Singh · D. A. Papaconstantopoulos | Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Complex Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 54) |
'' | 978-3-642-07775-3 | Robert Faurie · Jürgen Thommel | Microbial Production of L-Amino Acids (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Band 79) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07776-0 | David Tsao | Phytoremediation (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Band 78) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07777-7 | Helmut Wiedemann | Synchrotron Radiation (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07778-4 | C. Claeys | Radiation Effects in Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices (Springer Series in Materials Science) |
2009 | 978-3-642-07779-1 | N. Phan-Thien | Understanding Viscoelasticity: Basics of Rheology (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07780-7 | Peter Berthold · Eberhard Gwinner · Edith Sonnenschein | Avian Migration |
2010 | 978-3-642-07781-4 | Rajan Srinivasan | Importance Sampling: Applications in Communications and Detection |
'' | 978-3-642-07782-1 | Claude P. Bruter | Mathematics And Art: Mathematical Visualization in Art and Education (Mathematics and Visualization) |
'' | 978-3-642-07783-8 | Paul Malliavin | Stochastic Calculus of Variations in Mathematical Finance (Springer Finance) |
'' | 978-3-642-07784-5 | Markus Winterer | Nanocrystalline Ceramics: Synthesis And Structure (Springer Series In Materials Science) |
'' | 978-3-642-07785-2 | O. Breitenstein | Lock-in Thermography: Basics and Use for Functional Diagnostics of Electronic Components (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics, Band 10) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07786-9 | Toshihiro Kawakatsu | Statistical Physics of Polymers: An Introduction (Advanced Texts in Physics) |
'' | 978-3-642-07787-6 | A. V. Borovsky | Laser Physics at Relativistic Intensities (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, Band 34) |
'' | 978-3-642-07788-3 | J. C. M. Baeten | Process Algebra with Timing (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series) |
'' | 978-3-642-07789-0 | Werner Krause | Contrast Agents II: Optical, Ultrasound, X-Ray and Radiopharmaceutical Imaging (Topics in Current Chemistry, Band 222) |
'' | 978-3-642-07790-6 | Stefan Hergarten | Self-Organized Criticality in Earth Systems |
2010 | 978-3-642-07791-3 | Jozsef Adam · Klaus-Peter Schwarz | Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millennium: IAG 2001 Scientific Assembly, Budapest, Hungary, September 2-7, 2001 (International Association of Geodesy Symposia (125), Band 125) |
'' | 978-3-642-07792-0 | Klaus Sandmann · Philip J. Schonbucher | Advances in Finance and Stochastics: Essays in Honour of Dieter Sondermann |
'' | 978-3-642-07793-7 | Cristian S. Calude | Information and Randomness: An Algorithmic Perspective (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series) |
| 978-3-642-07794-4 | Photocatalysis: Science and Technology (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) |
2010 | 978-3-642-07795-1 | Gabriele Broll · Wolfgang Merbach · Eva-Maria Pfeiffer | Wetlands in Central Europe: Soil Organisms, Soil Ecological Processes and Trace Gas Emissions |
'' | 978-3-642-07796-8 | Harm Derksen | Computational Invariant Theory (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Band 130) |
2013 | 978-3-642-07797-5 | Christoph Bussler | B2B Integration: Concepts And Architecture |
| 978-3-642-07798-2 | Jean-Jacques Chattot | Computational Aerodynamics and Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction |
2010 | 978-3-642-07799-9 | Theresa M. Koehler | Anthrax (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 271) |
'' | 978-3-642-07800-2 | Jörg Becker · Martin Kugeler · Michael Rosemann | Process Management: A Guide for the Design of Business Processes |
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