Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1988 | 978-3-642-72813-6 | Daniel Marchac | Surgery of Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Face |
1987 | 978-3-642-72817-4 | Rudolf Alexander Steinbrecht · Karl Zierold | Cryotechniques in Biological Electron Microscopy |
2012 | 978-3-642-72820-4 | Ernst Lehnhardt | Cochlear Implant: Eine Hilfe für beidseitig Taube Überblick über das 22-kanalige Cochlear Implant nach Clark/NUCLEUS (German Edition) |
1987 | 978-3-642-72824-2 | Klaus Voss | Concurrency and Nets: Advances in Petri Nets |
2011 | 978-3-642-72832-7 | Rudolf Henn | Technologie, Wachstum und Beschäftigung: Festschrift für Lothar Späth |
1987 | 978-3-642-72842-6 | K.-P. Chang | Host-Parasite Cellular and Molecular Interactions in Protozoal Infections (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 11) |
'' | 978-3-642-72844-0 | Winfried Mohr | Pathologie des Bandapparates: Sehnen · Sehnenscheiden · Faszien · Schleimbeutel (Spezielle pathologische Anatomie, Band 19) |
2012 | 978-3-642-72847-1 | Glenn R. VanBlaricom | The Community Ecology of Sea Otters (Ecological Studies) |
1988 | 978-3-642-72852-5 | Fred Kubli · Naren Patel | Perinatal Events and Brain Damage in Surviving Children |
1987 | 978-3-642-72855-6 | German Society for Business History German Society for Business History | German Yearbook on Business History 1986 |
2012 | 978-3-642-72859-4 | Karl-Horst Bichler | Nephrocalcinosis Calcium Antagonists and Kidney |
2011 | 978-3-642-72862-4 | Werner Pfannhauser | Essentielle Spurenelemente in der Nahrung |
1987 | 978-3-642-72865-5 | Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn | Cytomechanics: The Mechanical Basis of Cell Form and Structure |
2013 | 978-3-642-72869-3 | Manfred Cierpka | Familiendiagnostik |
'' | 978-3-642-72875-4 | K. Bartmann | Antituberculosis Drugs (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Band 84) |
1988 | 978-3-642-72879-2 | Roger Säljö | The Written World: Studies in Literate Thought and Action (Springer Series in Language and Communication, Band 23) |
2013 | 978-3-642-72883-9 | Ping-chin Cheng | X-ray Microscopy: Instrumentation and Biological Applications |
1987 | 978-3-642-72891-4 | Gisela Dallenbach-Hellweg | Histopathology of the Endometrium |
1988 | 978-3-642-72894-5 | Egon Stahl | Dense Gases for Extraction and Refining |
1993 | 978-3-642-72898-3 | Andre Pirson | General Index (Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology) |
1991 | 978-3-642-72901-0 | A. I. Kostrikin | Algebra II: Noncommutative Rings Identities (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, Band 18) |
1988 | 978-3-642-72904-1 | W. R. Bartle | Regulation of Plasma Low Density Lipoprotein Levels Biopharmacological Regulation of Protein Phosphorylation Calcium-Activated Neutral Protease ... Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine, Band 5) |
2012 | 978-3-642-72907-2 | Jaroslav Nesetril | Mathematics of Ramsey Theory (Algorithms and Combinatorics) |
1987 | 978-3-642-72912-6 | E. Wagner | The Cell Surface in Signal Transduction (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 12) |
2012 | 978-3-642-72918-8 | Alf Staudach | Sectional Fetal Anatomy in Ultrasound |
'' | 978-3-642-72920-1 | Hans-Rudolf Henche | Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint: Diagnosis and Operation Techniques |
2013 | 978-3-642-72921-8 | '' | Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint: Diagnosis and Operation Techniques |
1988 | 978-3-642-72926-3 | Wim Salomons | Chemistry and Biology of Solid Waste: Dredged Material and Mine Tailings |
1987 | 978-3-642-72932-4 | Peter R. Bono | GKS Theory and Practice (Focus on Computer Graphics) |
2011 | 978-3-642-72937-9 | George N. Akoev · Nikolai P. Alekseev · Boris V. Krylov | Mechanoreceptors: Their Functional Organization |
2014 | 978-3-642-72940-9 | F. Bigar · J. Draeger · H. Hanselmayer · W.F. Henschel · F. Hoffmann · H. Hofmann · M. Kirschner · G. Kommerell | Augenärztliche Operationen (Kirschnersche allgemeine und spezielle Operationslehre) |
2011 | 978-3-642-72944-7 | Georg Heberer · R.J.A.M. van Dongen · K.W. Jauch · H. Stiegler · David C. Sabiston | Vascular Surgery |
2012 | 978-3-642-72947-8 | Paul J.W. ten Hagen | Intelligent CAD Systems I: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects (Focus on Computer Graphics) |
'' | 978-3-642-72950-8 | Gerhard Piekarski | Medical Parasitology |
2013 | 978-3-642-72958-4 | Ramesh Gangolli | Harmonic Analysis of Spherical Functions on Real Reductive Groups (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge, Band 101) |
1987 | 978-3-642-72961-4 | Klaus Pretzl | Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter: Proceedings of a Workshop, Held at Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, May 12-13, 1987 |
1987 | 978-3-642-72969-0 | Guy Le Lay · Jacques Derrien | Semiconductor Interfaces: Formation and Properties: Proceedings of the Workshop, Les Houches, France February 24-March 6, 1987: Proceedings of the ... Proceedings in Physics (22), Band 22) |
'' | 978-3-642-72972-0 | Frederick John Leonberger | Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics II: Proceedings of the Second OSA-IEEE (LEOS) Incline Village, Nevada, January 14-16, 1987 (Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, Band 24) |
2013 | 978-3-642-72977-5 | Wolfgang Künzel | The Endocrine Control of the Fetus: Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Aspects |
2014 | 978-3-642-72980-5 | Vladimir P. Skulachev | Membrane Bioenergetics |
2012 | 978-3-642-72985-0 | F. Cavalli | Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer: Current Developments and New Methodologies (ESO Monographs) |
1988 | 978-3-642-72989-8 | Heinz Schepank · Wolfgang Tress | Die stationäre Psychotherapie und ihr Rahmen |
2013 | 978-3-642-73003-0 | Werner Güttinger | The Physics of Structure Formation: Theory and Simulation (Springer Series in Synergetics (37), Band 37) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73009-2 | Hannes Wacha | Peritonitis: Grundsätzliches zur Therapie (German Edition) |
2013 | 978-3-642-73014-6 | Jorge L. C. Sanz | Radon and Projection Transform-Based Computer Vision: Algorithms, A Pipeline Architecture, and Industrial Applications (Springer Series in Information Sciences, Band 16) |
'' | 978-3-642-73019-1 | Alexey V. Zhirmunsky | Critical Levels in the Development of Natural Systems |
'' | 978-3-642-73022-1 | Max L. Birnstiel | Structure and Function of Major and Minor Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Particles |
1988 | 978-3-642-73028-3 | Y. P. S. Bajaj | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry (4), Band 4) |
2013 | 978-3-642-73031-3 | Udo Jonas | Endourology |
1988 | 978-3-642-73034-4 | Carlo Cazzullo · Domenico Caputo · Angelo Ghezzi · Mauro Zaffaroni | Virology and Immunology in Multiple Sclerosis: Rationale for Therapy: Proceedings of the International Congress, Milan, December 9-11, 1986 |
2012 | 978-3-642-73044-3 | Charles Gerday | Calcium and Calcium Binding Proteins: Molecular and Functional Aspects (Proceedings in Life Sciences) |
2014 | 978-3-642-73047-4 | Ronald H.F. Hunter | The Fallopian Tubes: Their Role In Fertility And Infertility |
1988 | 978-3-642-73051-1 | Wolfgang Weidlich | Interregional Migration: Dynamic Theory and Comparative Analysis |
2012 | 978-3-642-73054-2 | Alessandro Pizzorusso | Law in the Making: A Comparative Survey |
'' | 978-3-642-73057-3 | Robert Giuli · Richard W. McCallum | Benign Lesions of the Esophagus and Cancer: Answers to 210 Questions |
1988 | 978-3-642-73060-3 | A. Maehly | Forensic Science Progress: Volume 3 |
2011 | 978-3-642-73063-4 | Madjid Samii · Wolfgang Draf | Surgery of the Skull Base: An Interdisciplinary Approach |
1987 | 978-3-642-73066-5 | Rüdiger Pethig · Ulrich Schlieper | Efficiency, Institutions, and Economic Policy: Proceedings of a Workshop Held by the Sonderforschungsbereich 5 at the University of Mannheim, June 1986 |
2011 | 978-3-642-73068-9 | Karl Osburg · P.M. Bayer · K.-G. v. Boroviczeny · G. Fischer · M. Fischer · R. Haeckel · O. Henker · A. Prüsse | Personalbedarf und Kosten im medizinischen Laboratorium: Anleitungen zur Ermittlung (INSTAND-Schriftenreihe (1), Band 1) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73071-9 | Gerdina de Jong | Population Genetics and Evolution |
2012 | 978-3-642-73074-0 | Walter Klingm\xfcller | Azospirillum IV: Genetics · Physiology · Ecology |
1987 | 978-3-642-73079-5 | Lennart Domellof | Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment (E.S.O. Monographs) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73083-2 | Felix Böcker | Aktuelle Kernfragen in der Psychiatrie |
1988 | 978-3-642-73085-6 | Wolfram Schüffel | Sich gesund fühlen im Jahre 2000: Der Arzt, sein Patient und die Krankheit; die Technologie, das Team und das System |
2013 | 978-3-642-73091-7 | Hermann Haken | Computational Systems - Natural and Artificial: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Synergetics at Schloß Elmau, Bavaria, May 4-9, 1987 (Springer Series in Synergetics, Band 38) |
'' | 978-3-642-73095-5 | Douglas G. Brookins | Eh-pH Diagrams for Geochemistry |
1987 | 978-3-642-73099-3 | Alexander Baethmann | Surgical Research: Recent Concepts and Results: Festschrift Dedicated to Walter Brendel on Occasion of his 65th Birthday |
2011 | 978-3-642-73102-0 | Gertz Likhtenshtein | Chemical Physics of Redox Metalloenzyme Catalysis |
1987 | 978-3-642-73106-8 | Heinrich Mitter | Recent Developments in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the XXVI Int. Universitätswochen für Kernphysik Schladming, Austria, February 17-27, 1987 |
2013 | 978-3-642-73109-9 | Umberto Balucani | Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations II: Proceedings of an International Workshop, Turin, Italy, May 25-30, 1987 (Springer Proceedings in Physics (23), Band 23) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73112-9 | Klaus-Henning Krause | Nebenwirkungen von Antiepileptika bei Langzeitmedikation: Eine klinisch-statistische Studie (Schriftenreihe Neurologie Neurology Series, Band 28) |
2013 | 978-3-642-73117-4 | G. Hobom | The Molecular Biology of Bacterial Virus Systems (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Band 136) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73120-4 | Ian Boyd | Investment Confidence and Business Cycles |
'' | 978-3-642-73123-5 | Jan Smedslund | Psycho-Logic |
2013 | 978-3-642-73126-6 | Kozo Nakamura | Electro-enzymology Coenzyme Regeneration (Biotechnology Monographs, Band 4) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73130-3 | Uwe Koch | Handbuch der Rehabilitationspsychologie |
2011 | 978-3-642-73136-5 | G.H. Schneider · E. Vogler | Digitale bildgebende Verfahren Interventionelle Verfahren Integrierte digitale Radiologie: 5. Grazer Radiologisches Symposium 8.-10. Oktober 1987 |
1988 | 978-3-642-73138-9 | Otmar Meienberg | Sakkadische Augenbewegungen in der Neurologischen und Ophthalmologischen Diagnostik (Schriftenreihe Neurologie Neurology Series, Band 29) |
'' | 978-3-642-73141-9 | Mick F. Tuite · Marguerite Picard | Genetics of Translation: New Approaches (Nato A.S.I. Series (closed) / Nato A.S.I. Subseries H: (closed)) |
'' | 978-3-642-73147-1 | Eli E. Sercarz | The Semiotics of Cellular Communication in the Immune System (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 23) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73150-1 | A. Gorio | Neural Development and Regeneration: Cellular and Molecular Aspects (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 22) |
'' | 978-3-642-73153-2 | Giuliana Moreno · Roy H. Pottier · Terence G. Truscott | Photosensitisation: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects (Nato A.S.I. Series (closed) / Nato A.S.I. Subseries H: (closed)) |
'' | 978-3-642-73156-3 | Silvano Scannerini | Cell to Cell Signals in Plant, Animal and Microbial Symbiosis (Nato ASI Subseries H: (17), Band 17) |
'' | 978-3-642-73159-4 | M. Salomé S. Pais | Plant Cell Biotechnology (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 18) |
'' | 978-3-642-73162-4 | Georg Hertting | Modulation of Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in Nervous Systems (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 19) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73165-5 | Joe H. Cherry | Environmental Stress in Plants: Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms (Nato ASI Subseries G:, Band 19) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73168-6 | E.C. Tjamos | Vascular Wilt Diseases of Plants: Basic Studies and Control (Nato A.S.I. Series (closed) / Nato A.S.I. Subseries H: (closed)) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73171-6 | Joseph Fiksel | Safety Assurance for Environmental Introductions of Genetically-Engineered Organisms (Nato ASI Subseries G:, Band 18) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73174-7 | Herbert Zimmermann | Cellular and Molecular Basis of Synaptic Transmission (Nato ASI Subseries H: (21), Band 21) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73177-8 | Gerald Huether | Amino Acid Availability and Brain Function in Health and Disease (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 20) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73180-8 | Antonio Graniti · Richard D. Durbin · Alessandro Ballio | Phytotoxins and Plant Pathogenesis (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 27) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73183-9 | P.C. Reid · C.M. Turley · P.H. Burkill | Protozoa and Their Role in Marine Processes (Nato ASI Subseries G:, Band 25) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73186-0 | Jos A. F. Op den Kamp | Membrane Biogenesis (Nato ASI Subseries H:, Band 16) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73188-4 | Wolfgang Franz | Theoretische und angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung: Heinz König zum 60. Geburtstag (German Edition) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73190-7 | Edwin H. Buchholz | Das Gesundheitswesen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Vorgestellt von Repräsentanten seiner wichtigsten Einrichtungen |
2012 | 978-3-642-73192-1 | Karl W. Jacobi | 1. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen Implantation: 6. bis 7. März 1987, Gießen (German Edition) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73195-2 | Muthusamy Lakshmanan | Solitons: Introduction and Applications (Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics) |
'' | 978-3-642-73201-0 | Jean-Noël Bruneton | Ultrasonography of the Spleen |
'' | 978-3-642-73204-1 | Helmut L. Haas · Gyorgy Buzsaki | Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus |
'' | 978-3-642-73207-2 | R. B. Heimann | Superhard Materials, Convection, and Optical Devices (Crystals, Band 11) |
'' | 978-3-642-73210-2 | G. Müller | Crystal Growth From the Melt (Crystals (12), Band 12) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73213-3 | Hajime Takayama | Recent Topics in Theoretical Physics: Proceedings of the first Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium, Nishinomiya, Japan, November 8-9, 1986 (Springer ... Proceedings in Physics (24), Band 24) |
'' | 978-3-642-73216-4 | Rudolf Rott · Werner Goebel | Molecular Basis of Viral and Microbial Pathogenesis: April 9-11, 1987 (Colloquium der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie in Mosbach Baden) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73219-5 | Michael A. Bray | The Pharmacology of Lymphocytes (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) |
'' | 978-3-642-73222-5 | Victor P. Whittaker | The Cholinergic Synapse (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73225-6 | F. C. Colpaert | Transduction Mechanisms of Drug Stimuli (Psychopharmacology Series, Band 4) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73227-0 | Werner Buschmann · Hans G. Trier | Ophthalmologische Ultraschalldiagnostik: Mit Atlas, Standardisierung und Einordnung in den augenärztlichen Untersuchungsgang (German Edition) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73230-0 | Ronald D. Smith | The Emergence of Drugs which Block Calcium Entry (Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine (6), Band 6) |
'' | 978-3-642-73237-9 | Jean Berstel | Rational Series and Their Languages (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series, Band 12) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73240-9 | Louis Denis | The Medical Management of Prostate Cancer (ESO Monographs) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73243-0 | Alain Krief | Organoselenium Chemistry I: Functional Group Transformations |
'' | 978-3-642-73250-8 | Colin R. Phillips · Yiu Cheong Poon | Immobilization of Cells |
1988 | 978-3-642-73251-5 | Colin R. Phillips | Immobilization of Cells (Biotechnology Monographs, Band 5) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73254-6 | Benjamin Winograd | Human Tumour Xenografts in Anticancer Drug Development (ESO Monographs) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73260-7 | Vladimir A. Milashev | Explosion Pipes |
'' | 978-3-642-73262-1 | Claus Claussen · Roland Felix | Quo Vadis C.T.?: Aktueller Standort und Perspektiven bildgebender Verfahren (German Edition) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73265-2 | Bernard Hamonic · Jean N. Decarpigny | Power Sonic and Ultrasonic Transducers Design: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Held in Lille, France, May 26 and 27, 1987 |
1989 | 978-3-642-73270-6 | Rainer Macholz | Lebensmitteltoxikologie |
1988 | 978-3-642-73273-7 | Mauro Cresti | Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on the Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants, 30 May - 4 June 1988 University of Siena, Siena, Italy |
2012 | 978-3-642-73279-9 | Heiner Vollstädt | Micromounts |
1988 | 978-3-642-73282-9 | Daniel E. Casey | Psychopharmacology: Current Trends (Psychopharmacology Series (5), Band 5) |
'' | 978-3-642-73287-4 | Rainer Greger | Nacl Transport in Epithelia (Advances in Comparative and Environmental Physiology, Band 1) |
'' | 978-3-642-73290-4 | Ian Hindmarch · Helmut Ott | Benzodiazepine Receptor Ligands, Memory and Information Processing: Psychometric, Psychopharmacological and Clinical Issues (Psychopharmacology Series, Band 6) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73293-5 | Rodolfo Del Sole · Andrea DAndrea · Andrea Lapiccirella | Excitons in Confined Systems: Proceedings of the International Meeting, Rome, Italy, April 13-16, 1987 (Springer Proceedings in Physics) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73299-7 | Gisela Grupe | Trace Elements in Environmental History: Proceedings of the Symposium held from June 24th to 26th, 1987, at Göttingen (Proceedings in Life Sciences) |
2012 | 978-3-642-73303-1 | E.R. Heitzman | The Mediastinum: Radiologic Correlations with Anatomy and Pathology |
1988 | 978-3-642-73307-9 | Burkhard Lachmann | Surfactant Replacement Therapy: in Neonatal and Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
'' | 978-3-642-73311-6 | Herbert Fröhlich | Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli |
1989 | 978-3-642-73315-4 | Heinz Brucher | Useful Plants of Neotropical Origin: and Their Wild Relatives |
1988 | 978-3-642-73320-8 | Asbjørn Rolstadås | Computer-Aided Production Management (IFIP State-of-the-Art Reports) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73326-0 | Oncogenes and Growth Control |
1988 | 978-3-642-73329-1 | Hans-Christoph Diener · Marcia Wilkinson | Drug-Induced Headache (Advances in Applied Neurological Sciences, Band 5) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73335-2 | Manfred Domrös | The Climate of China |
'' | 978-3-642-73338-3 | Trevor J. Shuttleworth | Physiology of Elasmobranch Fishes |
'' | 978-3-642-73340-6 | H. Weidauer | Speicheldrüsenerkrankungen: Aktuelle Diagnostik und Therapie |
1989 | 978-3-642-73352-9 | Jean-Pierre Lefort | Basement Correlation Across the North Atlantic |
1988 | 978-3-642-73360-4 | Hans-Jürgen Möller | Current Issues of Suicidology |
'' | 978-3-642-73363-5 | Koreaki Mori | An Outline of Neurosurgery |
'' | 978-3-642-73372-7 | Dieter Bös | Welfare and Efficiency in Public Economics |
2013 | 978-3-642-73377-2 | G.A. Ahearn · J.M. Bouquegneau · C. Joiris · W.H. Karasov · J. Machin · M.J. O'Donnell · L.C.H. Wang · S.H. Wright | Advances in Comparative and Environmental Physiology |
1988 | 978-3-642-73379-6 | Christof Sohn | Meniskussonographie |
1988 | 978-3-642-73381-9 | Peter Hahn | Ärztliche Propädeutik: Gespräch, Anamnese, Interview Einführung in die anthropologische Medizin - wissenschaftstheoretische und praktische Grundlagen ... interdisziplinären Forschung in der Medizin) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73384-0 | Renate Uns\xf6ld | Compressive Optic Nerve Lesions at the Optic Canal: Pathogenesis - Diagnosis - Treatment |
1988 | 978-3-642-73390-1 | T. Kenneth Gustafson | Photonic Switching: Proceedings of the First Topical Meeting, Incline Village, Nevada, March 18-20, 1987 (Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, Band 25) |
'' | 978-3-642-73395-6 | Carlo Perris · Ivy M. Blackburn | Cognitive Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice |
1989 | 978-3-642-73398-7 | Guido Gainotti | Emotions and the Dual Brain (Experimental Brain Research Series) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73401-4 | István F. Pelyvás | Synthetic Aspects of Aminodeoxy Sugars of Antibiotics |
'' | 978-3-642-73404-5 | Gerrit C. van der Veer | Human-Computer Interaction: Psychonomic Aspects |
1989 | 978-3-642-73407-6 | Michael H. Soffel | Relativity in Astrometry, Celestial Mechanics and Geodesy |
2011 | 978-3-642-73408-3 | M. H. Soffel | Relativity in Astrometry, Celestial Mechanics and Geodesy (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) |
'' | 978-3-642-73411-3 | H.D. Mennel · H. Solcher | Pathologie des Nervensystems III: Entzündliche Erkrankungen und Geschwülste (Spezielle pathologische Anatomie (13 / 3)) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73414-4 | Elmar Brähler | Body Experience: The Subjective Dimension of Psyche and Soma Contributions to Psychosomatic Medicine |
'' | 978-3-642-73418-2 | Karl-Heinz Hellwege | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik (German Edition) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73423-6 | Berndt Lüderitz | Perspektiven der Arrhythmiebehandlung |
'' | 978-3-642-73428-1 | P. Langhans | Aktuelle Therapie des Kardiakarzinoms |
'' | 978-3-642-73434-2 | Heinz-Gerhard Franck | Industrial Aromatic Chemistry: Raw Materials · Processes · Products |
1989 | 978-3-642-73436-6 | Alfred Schellenberger | Enzymkatalyse: Einführung in die Chemie, Biochemie und Technologie der Enzyme |
'' | 978-3-642-73438-0 | Dieter Spaar | Kernobst (Diagnose von Krankheiten und Beschädigungen an Kulturpflanzen) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73448-9 | Lorin W. Roberts | Vascular Differentiation and Plant Growth Regulators (Springer Series in Wood Science) |
'' | 978-3-642-73454-0 | Anders Bodén · K. Gösta Eriksson | Deep Drilling in Crystalline Bedrock: The Deep Gas Drilling in the Siljan Impact Structure, Sweden and Astroblemes (Exploration of the Deep Continental Crust) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73463-2 | Michael B. Bottorf | Drug Concentration Monitoring Microbial Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors Plasminogen Activators (Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine (7), Band 7) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73465-6 | Eike v. Savigny | The Social Foundations of Meaning |
1989 | 978-3-642-73469-4 | Eugen Faist · John L. Ninnemann · Douglas R. Green | Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis |
2012 | 978-3-642-73470-0 | Eugen Faist | Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches |
1988 | 978-3-642-73475-5 | Jean-Marc Richard · Elie Aslanides | The Elementary Structure of Matter: Proceedings of the Workshop, Les Houches, France, March 24-April 2, 1987 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Band 26) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73481-6 | Judit Daroczy | The Dermal Lymphatic Capillaries |
1988 | 978-3-642-73482-3 | '' | The Dermal Lymphatic Capillaries |
'' | 978-3-642-73485-4 | Eike Best | Nonsequential Processes: A Petri Net View (Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series, Band 13) |
'' | 978-3-642-73488-5 | B. C. Manegold | Endoskopie postoperativer Syndrome |
'' | 978-3-642-73491-5 | Wolfgang Gaul | Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions: An Interdisciplinary Approach with Emphasis on Marketing Applications |
'' | 978-3-642-73494-6 | Horst Ganz | HNO Praxis Heute (HNO Praxis heute (abgeschlossen), Band 8) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73497-7 | Detlev Ganten | Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in Neuroendocrine Systems (Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology (9), Band 9) |
'' | 978-3-642-73500-4 | Richard LeSar · Alan Bishop | Competing Interactions and Microstructures: Statics and Dynamics: Proceedings of the CMS Workshop, Los Alamos, New Mexico, May 5-8, 1987 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Band 27) |
'' | 978-3-642-73503-5 | Giorgio Benedek | Elemental and Molecular Clusters: Proceedings of the 13th International School, Erice, Italy, July 1-15, 1987 (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 6) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73506-6 | Gianfranco Cerofolini | Physical Chemistry of, in and on Silicon (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 8) |
'' | 978-3-642-73508-0 | P. Scheurlen | Differentialdiagnose in der Inneren Medizin (German Edition) |
'' | 978-3-642-73512-7 | Rainer Lässer | Tritium and Helium-3 in Metals (Springer Series in Materials Science, Band 9) |
1991 | 978-3-642-73515-8 | Wolfgang Eckstein | Computer Simulation of Ion-Solid Interactions (Springer Series in Materials Science (10), Band 10) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73518-9 | Gustav K.v. Schulthess | Morphology and Function in M.R.I.: Cardiovascular and Renal Systems |
1988 | 978-3-642-73522-6 | Y. P. S. Bajaj | Crops II (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Band 6) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73529-5 | Helmut Kleinhempel · Klaus Naumann · Dieter Spaar · W. Ficke · W. Fritzsche · Erika Griesbach · H. Henniger · H. Herrmann | Bakterielle Erkrankungen der Kulturpflanzen |
2012 | 978-3-642-73532-5 | Klaus Hoffken | LH-RH Agonists in Oncology |
1988 | 978-3-642-73535-6 | Eckhard Knappe | Der Indemnitätstarif: Wege zur Sozialverträglichkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit beim Zahnersatz |
1988 | 978-3-642-73539-4 | Uwe B. Sleytr | Crystalline Bacterial Cell Surface Layers |
'' | 978-3-642-73545-5 | Iver Hand | Panic and Phobias 2: Treatments and Variables Affecting Course and Outcome |
'' | 978-3-642-73548-6 | Tómas Helgason · Robert J. Daly | Depressive Illness: Prediction of Course and Outcome |
'' | 978-3-642-73556-1 | Tsuneya Ando · Hidetoshi Fukuyama | Anderson Localization: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, August 16-18, 1987 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Band 28) |
'' | 978-3-642-73559-2 | P. Frick | Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde/Advances in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics: Neue Folge (Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und ... in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Band 57) |
1988 | 978-3-642-73562-2 | Gerhard Börner | High Energy Astrophysics: Supernovae, Remnants, Active Galaxies, Cosmology |
1989 | 978-3-642-73567-7 | Wolf Eicher | Plastic Surgery in the Sexually Handicapped |
1988 | 978-3-642-73569-1 | Thomas von Arnim | Die stumme Myokardischämie |
'' | 978-3-642-73580-6 | Hermann Lautensach | Korea: A Geography Based on the Author's Travels and Literature |
1991 | 978-3-642-73593-6 | Denis Krausé | C.T. and M.R.I. of Disk Herniations |
1988 | 978-3-642-73598-1 | Klaus Goerttler | New Frontiers in Cytology: Modern Aspects of Research and Practice |
'' | 978-3-642-73601-8 | J. Jeanteur · Y. Kuchino | Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology (Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology (10), Band 10) |
2011 | 978-3-642-73604-9 | Nicholas W. Tschoegl | The Phenomenological Theory of Linear Viscoelastic Behavior: An Introduction |
1988 | 978-3-642-73607-0 | Oleg M. Eliseev | Cardiovascular Diseases and Pregnancy |
2013 | 978-3-642-73612-4 | H.P. Schultheiß | New Concepts in Viral Heart Disease: Virology, Immunology and Clinical Management |
2011 | 978-3-642-73616-2 | Y. P. S. Bajaj | Plant Protoplasts and Genetic Engineering I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry) |
1989 | 978-3-642-73619-3 | '' | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants II (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Band 7) |