Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1983 | 978-3-9800942-0-7 | J.Paul Wesley | Causal Quantum Theory |
1984 | 978-3-9800942-1-4 | William C Wesley | Optimum Access two dimensional Keyboard Design for Musical Instruments |
1987 | 978-3-9800942-2-1 | J.Paul Wesley | Progress in Space-Time Physics 1987 |
1989 | 978-3-9800942-3-8 | Umberto Bartocci · J.Paul Wesley | Foundations of Mathematics and Physics: Proceedings of the Conference in Perugia, Italy, 1989 |
1991 | 978-3-9800942-4-5 | J.Paul Wesley | Selected Topics in Advanced Fundamental Physics |
1996 | 978-3-9800942-5-2 | '' | Classical Quantum Theory |