Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
2015 | 978-3-95729-124-0 | Frank Horst · EHI Retail Institute GmbH · Deutsche Bundesbank | Münzgeldstudie: Folgenabschätzung einer Rundungsregel im Einzelhandel |
'' | 978-3-95729-169-1 | Christian R. Proaño · Till Strohsal · Jürgen Wolters | Characterizing the financial cycle: evidence from a frequency domain analysis (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-171-4 | Ramona Busch · Philipp Koziol · Marc Mitrovic | Many a little makes a mickle: macro portfolio stress test for small and medium-sized German banks (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-173-8 | Puriya Abbassi · Falko Fecht · Johannes Tischer | The intraday interest rate - what's that? (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-179-0 | Klaus Adam · Panagiota Tzamourani | Distributional consequences of asset price inflation in the euro area (Discussion paper) |
2015 | 978-3-95729-181-3 | Jochen Mankart · Giacomo Rodano | Personal bankruptcy law, debt portfolios, and entrepreneurship (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-183-7 | Niklas Gadatsch · Nikolai Stähler · Benjamin Weigert | German labor market and fiscal reforms 1999 to 2008: can they be blamed for intra-euro area imbalances? (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-185-1 | Peter Grundke · Kamil Pliszka | A macroeconomic reverse stress test (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-187-5 | Thomas Droll · Natalia Podlich · Michael Wedow | Out of sight, out of mind?: On the risk of sub-custodian structures (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-189-9 | Thomas Kick · Thilo Pausch · Benedikt Ruprecht | The winner's curse: evidence on the danger of aggressive credit growth in banking (Discussion paper) |
2015 | 978-3-95729-191-2 | Anna Gumpert | The organization of knowledge in multinational firms (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-193-6 | Robert Düll · Felix König · Jana Ohls | On the exposure of insurance companies to sovereign risk: portfolio investments and market forces (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-195-0 | Philip Müller · Tobias Schmidt | Identifying income and wealth-poor households in the euro area (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-197-4 | Robert Unger | Asymmetric credit growth and current account imbalances in the euro area (Discussion paper) |
'' | 978-3-95729-199-8 | Junyi Zhu | Bracket creep revisited - with and withaout r>g: evidence from Germany (Discussion paper) |
2015 | 978-3-95729-201-8 | Kilian Fink · Ulrich Krüger · Barbara Meller · Lui-Hsian Wong | The credit quality channel: modeling contagion in the interbank market (Discussion paper) |