Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
2015 | 978-3-945156-01-8 | Bernd Heesen | Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA Style: Easy to follow instructions using the Microsoft Word template Thesis2013E help students to properly ... Word 2013 (Best Practices for Students) |
2019 | 978-3-945156-10-0 | Bernd Heesen | Bachelor- und Masterthesis erfolgreich schreiben: Für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler (Best Practices for Students, Band 6) |
2020 | 978-3-945156-12-4 | '' | Academic Writing with Microsoft Word: Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA style (Best Practices for Students, Band 7) |
'' | 978-3-945156-13-1 | '' | Academic writing in APA Style: Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA style 7th edition (Best Practices for Students, Band 8) |
'' | 978-3-945156-15-5 | '' | Academic Writing in APA-Style: Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA-Style 7th Edition (Best Practices for Students, Band 10) |