Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1984 | 978-3-924448-01-1 | Eliyahu Moziani | Torah of the Alphabet or how the Art of Writing was Taught Under the Judges of Israel (1441-1025). / Torah des Alphabets oder Kurzlehrbuch der Schreibkunst der Richterzeit Israels (1270-1030). [2 Bände. Von/by Eliyahi Monziani]. |
| 978-3-924448-02-8 | Torah of the alphabet, or, How the art of writing was taught under the judges of Israel, 1441-1025 |
1991 | 978-3-924448-09-7 | Ed Metzer | Conflict of laws in the Israelite dynasty of Egypt (AMMM) |