Christian Theology of Religions: A Systematic Reflection on the Christian Understanding of World Religions (Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte ... in the Intercultural History of Christianity)


von Mariasusai Dhavamony


ISBN-13: 978-3-906760-07-0

ISBN-10: 3-906760-07-3

Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften · 1998

Siehe auch:
2002TaschenbuchChristian Theology of Religions: A Systematic Reflection on the Christian Understanding of World Religions (Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte ... History of Christianity, Band 108)
2001TaschenbuchChristian Theology of Religions: A Systematic Reflection on the Christian Understanding of World Religions (Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte ... History of Christianity, Band 108)