Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
2005 | 978-3-905703-00-9 | Thomas M. Honegger | Reconsidering Tolkien |
'' | 978-3-905703-01-6 | '' | Root and Branch |
2006 | 978-3-905703-02-3 | Thomas Honegger · Frank Weinreich | Tolkien and Modernity 1 |
'' | 978-3-905703-03-0 | Thomas Honegger · Frank Weinreich | Tolkien and Modernity 2 |
2007 | 978-3-905703-04-7 | Richard Sturch | Four Christian Fantasists. A Study of the Fantastic Writings of George MacDonald, Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien |
'' | 978-3-905703-05-4 | Tom Shippey | Roots and Branches |
'' | 978-3-905703-06-1 | Ross Smith | Inside Language |
2007 | 978-3-905703-07-8 | Adam Lam · Nataliya Oryshchuk | How We Became Middle-earth |
'' | 978-3-905703-08-5 | Thomas M. Honegger · Eduardo Segura | Myth and Magic: Art according to the Inklings (Cormare, Band 14) |
2008 | 978-3-905703-09-2 | Martin Simonson | The Lord of the Rings and the Western Narrative Tradition |
2007 | 978-3-905703-10-8 | Allan G Turner | The Silmarillion - Thirty Years On (Cormare Series, Band 15) |
2008 | 978-3-905703-11-5 | Margaret Hiley · Frank Weinreich | Tolkien's Shorter Works |
'' | 978-3-905703-12-2 | Stratford Caldecott · Thomas M Honegger | Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Sources of Inspiration (Cormare Series, Band 18) |
2009 | 978-3-905703-13-9 | J. S. Ryan | Tolkien's View: Windows into his World |
2010 | 978-3-905703-14-6 | Friedhelm Schneidewind · Heidi Steimel | Music in Middle-earth |
2011 | 978-3-905703-16-0 | Thomas Honegger | Translating Tolkien: Text and Film |
2009 | 978-3-905703-17-7 | Elliott V. Dobbie · John Porter | Beowulf and the Dragon |
2011 | 978-3-905703-18-4 | Liam Campbell | The Ecological Augury in the Works of JRR Tolkien |
'' | 978-3-905703-19-1 | Margaret Hiley | The Loss and the Silence. Aspects of Modernism in the Works of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams. |
2012 | 978-3-905703-21-4 | Christopher Maclachlan | Tolkien and Wagner: The Ring and Der Ring |
'' | 978-3-905703-22-1 | Rainer Nagel | Hobbit Place-names |