Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1986 | 978-3-905276-01-5 | Michael Barnett | Hints on the Art of Jumping: The "HAJ"-talks |
1987 | 978-3-905276-08-4 | Michael Barnett | At Haeven's Gate |
1992 | 978-3-905276-23-7 | '' | Diamant Yoga Handbook, Simple movements for ecstasy, peace and transformation: Simple Movements for Ecstasy, Peace and Transformations |
1993 | 978-3-905276-25-1 | '' | Walking Through Ashes: Meetings with a Modern Master |
1996 | 978-3-905276-29-9 | '' | Living Zero |
1999 | 978-3-905276-33-6 | '' | This Marvellous Ego, Intimate Talks from May 1999: Intimate Talks from Many 1999 |