Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1996 | 978-3-904144-01-8 | Henri Romagnesi | Les Russules d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord: Essai sur la valeur taxonomique et specifique des caracteres morphologiques et microchimiques des spores ... translation of the keys by R.W.G. Dennis |
1997 | 978-3-904144-06-3 | Jean Koechlin · Jean L Guillaumet · Philippe Morat | Flore et Végétation de Madagascar (Flora et Vegetation Mundi) |
1998 | 978-3-904144-07-0 | Hubert Mayr | Orchid Names and their Meanings |
1999 | 978-3-904144-16-2 | Hans J Paepke | Bloch's Fish Collection in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin: An illustrated catalog and historical account (Theses Zoologicae) |
2000 | 978-3-904144-22-3 | W Greuter · J McNeill · F R Barbie · H M Burdet · V Demoulin · T S Filgueiras · D H Nicolson · P C Silva | International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Saint Louis Code) adopted by the Sixteenth International botanical Congress St. Louis, Missouri, July - August 1999 (Regnum Vegetabile Series Volume 138) |
'' | 978-3-904144-23-0 | Eviatar Nevo · Solomon P Wasser | Cyanoprocaryotes and Algae of Continental Israel |
2001 | 978-3-904144-26-1 | Regine Jahn · John P Kociolek · Andrzej Witkowski · Pierre Compère | Lange-Bertalot-Festschrift: Studies on Diatoms: Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Horst Lange-Bertalot on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday |
'' | 978-3-904144-75-9 | Ronald H Petersen | New World Botany. Columbus to Darwin. |
'' | 978-3-904144-77-3 | A T Hunziker | Genera Solanacearum: The genera of Solanacaeae illustrated, arranged according to a new system |
2002 | 978-3-904144-79-7 | Hermann H Schleich · Werner Kästle | Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal: Biology, Systematics, Filed Guide |
'' | 978-3-904144-83-4 | Rudolf Malkmus · J U Manthey | The Amphibians and Reptiles of Mount Kinabalu |
2004 | 978-3-904144-89-6 | Rudolf Malkmus | Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal, Madeira and the Azores Archipelago: Distribution and Natural History Notes. Engl./Lat. |
2003 | 978-3-904144-91-9 | Guy Gusman · Liliane Gusman | The Genus Arisaema. A Monograph for Botanists and Nature Lovers |
2002 | 978-3-904144-92-6 | Arne Strid · Kit Tan | Flora Hellenica: Volume 02: Ceratophyllaceae to Platanaceae |