Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1997 | 978-3-901769-00-9 | Bernhard Kutzler · David R. Stoutemyer | Great TI-92 Programs: v. 1 |
'' | 978-3-901769-03-0 | Bernhard Kutzler | Solving Linear Equations with the T1-92: Experimental Learning/Visualization/the Scaffolding Method (bk teachware Series "Support in Learning") |
1998 | 978-3-901769-05-4 | '' | Solving Systems of Linear Equations with the T1-92: Experimental Learning/Visualization/the Scaffolding Method (bk teachware Series "Support in Learning") |
'' | 978-3-901769-09-2 | '' | Solving Linear Equations with DERIVE for Windows: Experimental Learning/Visualization/the Scaffolding Method (bk teachware Series "Support in Learning") |
'' | 978-3-901769-14-6 | '' | Introduction to the TI-89: Pt. 1 |
'' | 978-3-901769-15-3 | '' | Introduction to the TI-89: Pt. 2 |
1999 | 978-3-901769-20-7 | Josef Bohm | Optimization: Graphically, Numerically and Analytically with the TI-92 (bk teachware Series "Support in Learning") |
1999 | 978-3-901769-22-1 | Heinz-Dieter Hinkelmann | Experiments in Motion Using the CBR and TI-89 (bk teachware Series "Support in Learning") |
2009 | 978-3-901769-84-9 | Bernhard Kutzler | Technologie und das Yin&Yang des Lehrens und Lernens von Mathematik |