Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1979 | 978-3-88355-015-2 | Hans-Eugen Buhler | Atlas of Interference Layer Metallography |
1980 | 978-3-88355-016-9 | Hans-Eugen Buhler and Hans Paul Hougardy | Atlas of Interference Layer Metallography |
| 978-3-88355-030-5 | Acoustic Emission |
| 978-3-88355-046-6 | Metallurgical Aspects of Wear. Symposium |
1983 | 978-3-88355-060-2 | B. L. Mordike | Phase Transformations in Crystalline and Amorphous Alloys |
'' | 978-3-88355-066-4 | G. Lang | Extrusion: Scientific and Technical Development |
1985 | 978-3-88355-069-5 | D. Klemens · I. Staender | Catalogue of Drawing Defects: Defects in Wire, Tube and Bar |
'' | 978-3-88355-081-7 | G. Lutjering · U. Zqicker | Titanium: Science and Technology |
'' | 978-3-88355-091-6 | Guenter A. Lange | Systematic Analysis of Technical Failures: Lectures of an Advanced Study Seminar |
'' | 978-3-88355-094-7 | Gernot Lang | Glossary of Technical Terms: Non-Ferrous Metal Casting German/English - English/German |
1986 | 978-3-88355-098-5 | E. Macherauch | Residual Stresses |
1986 | 978-3-88355-101-2 | H. J. Bunge | Experimental Techniques of Texture Analysis |
1987 | 978-3-88355-103-6 | H. J. Bunge | Quantitative Texture Analysis |
1986 | 978-3-88355-106-7 | W. Von Asten | Catalogue of Rolling Effects: Defects on Hot and Cooled Non-Ferrous Metal Strip |
1987 | 978-3-88355-117-3 | B. L. Mordike | Laser Treatment of Materials |
'' | 978-3-88355-119-7 | H. J. Bunge | Theoretical Methods of Texture Analysis |
'' | 978-3-88355-120-3 | Wahlfahrt | Shot Peening: Proceedings of 1987 |
1988 | 978-3-88355-132-6 | Hans Eckart Exner · Hans Paul Hougardy | Quantitative Image Analysis of Microstructures: A Practical Guide to Techniques Instrumentation and Assessment of Materials |
1989 | 978-3-88355-133-3 | Dgm Conference New Materials by Mechanical Alloying Techniques | New Materials by Mechanical Alloying Techniques |
1988 | 978-3-88355-136-4 | H. J. Bunge | Directional Properties of Materials |
1989 | 978-3-88355-146-3 | W. Kraft | Joining Ceramics, Glass and Metal |
1991 | 978-3-88355-169-2 | V. Hauk | Residual Stresses: Measurement, Calculation, Evaluation: Proceedings of a Symposium 1990 |
1992 | 978-3-88355-178-4 | S. Eucken | Progress in Shape Memory Alloys |
'' | 978-3-88355-180-7 | M. Peters | Aluminum-Lithium (INTERNATIONAL ALUMINUM-LITHIUM CONFERENCE//PROCEEDINGS) |
'' | 978-3-88355-184-5 | B. L. Mordike | Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications |
1992 | 978-3-88355-185-2 | B. L. Mordike | Laser Treatment of Materials |
| 978-3-88355-224-8 | Titan und Titanlegierungen |
| 978-3-88355-229-3 | U, Thomann | Werkstoffe für die Informationstechnik, Bd 1 |
| 978-3-88355-663-5 | Extrusion: Scientific and Technical Developments |