Erscheinungsjahr | ISBN | Autor(en) | Titel |
1985 | 978-3-540-15169-2 | P. Wurnig · I. Klos | Gastro-esophageal Reflux in Childhood Problems of Splenic Surgery in Childhood (Progress in Pediatric Surgery (18), Band 18) |
'' | 978-3-540-15172-2 | D.B. Willis | Iridoviridae (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (116), Band 116) |
'' | 978-3-540-15173-9 | D.G. Pettifor · D.L. Weaire | The Recursion Method and Its Applications: Proceedings of the Conference, Imperial College, London, England September 13-14, 1984 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences (58), Band 58) |
'' | 978-3-540-15174-6 | Karlheinz Pohmer | Mikroökonomische Theorie der personellen Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung: Allokation und Distribution als Ergebnis intertemporaler Wahlhandlungen (Studies in Contemporary Economics (16), Band 16) |
'' | 978-3-540-15175-3 | Michael J. French | Conceptual Design for Engineers |
2013 | 978-3-540-15176-0 | M. Metivier | Stochastic Differential Systems: Filtering and Control Proceedings of the IFIP-WG 7/1 Working Conference Marseille-Luminy, France, March 12-17, 1984 ... and Information Sciences (69), Band 69) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15177-7 | Renato DeMori · Ching Y. Suen | New Systems and Architectures for Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis (Nato ASI Subseries F:, Band 16) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15180-7 | Klaus Schittkowski | Computational Mathematical Programming (Nato ASI Subseries F: (15), Band 15) |
'' | 978-3-540-15181-4 | Krzysztof R. Apt | Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems (Nato ASI Subseries F: (13), Band 13) |
'' | 978-3-540-15182-1 | W. Dittrich · M. Reuter | Effective Lagrangians in Quantum Electrodynamics (Lecture Notes in Physics (220), Band 220) |
'' | 978-3-540-15183-8 | Keijo Kajantie | Quark Matter '84. Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. Helsinki, Finland, June 17-21, 1984. (Lecture notes in physics, vol.221) |
'' | 978-3-540-15184-5 | A. Garcia | The Beta Decay of Hyperons (Lecture Notes in Physics) (Lecture Notes in Physics (222), Band 222) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15185-2 | Piotr Antosik | Matrix Methods in Analysis (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1113), Band 1113) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15187-6 | Friedrich L. Bauer | The Munich Project CIP: Volume I: The Wide Spectrum Language CIP-L (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (183), Band 183) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15188-3 | Heinrich Saller | Vereinheitlichte Feldtheorien der Elementarteilchen: Eine Einführung (Lecture Notes In Physics) (German Edition) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15189-0 | Edmund Hlawka | Zahlentheoretische Analysis: Wiener Seminarberichte 1980-82 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1114), Band 1114) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15191-3 | J.A. Mariani · W. D. Shepherd · D. Hutchison | Local Area Networks: An Advanced Course: Glasgow, July 11-22, 1983. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 184) |
'' | 978-3-540-15192-0 | Jean Moulin Ollagnier | Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1115), Band 1115) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15193-7 | Konrad Stahl | Microeconomic Models of Housing Markets (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (239), Band 239) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15194-4 | Johannes Elschner | Singular Ordinary Differential Operators and Pseudodifferential Equations (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1128), Band 1128) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15195-1 | Friedrich Hirzebruch | Arbeitstagung Bonn 1984: Proceedings of the Meeting held by the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, June 15-22, 1984 (Lecture Notes in ... Notes in Mathematics (1111), Band 1111) |
'' | 978-3-540-15196-8 | A. Blaser | Datenbank-Systeme für Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft: GI-Fachtagung, Karlsruhe, 20-22. März 1985 Proceedings (Informatik-Fachberichte (94), Band 94) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15198-2 | Hartmut Ehrig · James Thatcher · Maurice Nivat · Christiane Floyd | Mathematical Foundations of Software Development. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development ... Notes in Computer Science (185), Band 185) |
'' | 978-3-540-15199-9 | Hartmut Ehrig · James Thatcher · Maurice Nivat · Christiane Floyd | Formal Methods and Software Development. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT), ... Notes in Computer Science (186), Band 186) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15200-2 | V. Capasso | Mathematics in Biology and Medicine: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Bari, Italy, July 18-22, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics (57), Band 57) |
'' | 978-3-540-15201-9 | Horst Strunz | Planung in der Datenverarbeitung: Von der DV-Planung zum Informations-Management Fachtagung, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Mai 1984: Von der DV-Planung zum ... und Wirtschaftsinformatik (12), Band 12) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15202-6 | F. S. Chaghaghi | Time Series Package (TSPACK) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (187), Band 187) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15203-3 | David J. Aldous | École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XIII, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1117), Band 1117) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15204-0 | G. Rozenberg | Advances in Petri Nets 1984 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (188), Band 188) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15205-7 | Klaus Neumann | Contributions to Operations Research: Proceedings, Oberwolfach, West Germany, 1984: Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research Held in ... and Mathematical Systems (240), Band 240) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15206-4 | Norbert Bartel | Supernovae as Distance Indicators: Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. September 27-28, 1984 (Lecture ... (Lecture Notes in Physics (224), Band 224) |
'' | 978-3-540-15207-1 | Werner Dirlewanger | Organisation und Betrieb der Informationsverarbeitung: 6. GI-Fachgespräch über Rechenzentren, Kassel, 21/22. März 1985 (Informatik-Fachberichte (96), Band 96) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15208-8 | Jürgen Fischer | An Approach to the Selberg Trace Formula via the Selberg Zeta-Function (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1253), Band 1253) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15209-5 | Stephan Stolz | Hochzusammenhangende Mannigfaltigkeiten und ihre Rander (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1116)) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15210-1 | Thierry Jeulin · Marc Yor | Grossissements de filtrations: exemples et applications: Séminaire de Calcul Stochastique 1982/83 Université Paris VI: Seminaire de Calcul ... Notes in Mathematics (1118), Band 1118) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15211-8 | Berndt Muller | The Physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (Lecture Notes in Physics) (Lecture Notes in Physics (225), Band 225) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15212-5 | Mark S. Sherman | Paragon: A Language Using Type Hierarchies for the Specification, Implementation, and Selection of Abstract Data Types (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (189), Band 189) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15213-2 | Norma Sanchez | Non-Linear Equations in Classical and Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings Of A Seminar Series Held At Daphe, Observatoire De Meudon, And Lpthe, . . . ... (Lecture Notes in Physics (226), Band 226) |
'' | 978-3-540-15215-6 | Jean-Pierre Eckmann | Computer Methods and Borel Summability Applied to Feigenbaum's Equation (Lecture Notes in Physics) (Lecture Notes in Physics (227), Band 227) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15216-3 | G. P. Mullery · F. B. Schneider · M. W. Alford · Manfred Paul · G. Hommel | Distributed Systems: Methods and Tools for Specification. An Advanced Course (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (190), Band 190) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15217-0 | Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta · Tullio Zolezzi · Wendell H. Fleming | Recent Mathematical Methods in Dynamic Programming: Proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, Italy, March 26-28, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1119), Band 1119) |
'' | 978-3-540-15218-7 | Krzysztof Jarosz | Perturbation of Banach Algebras (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1120), Band 1120) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15219-4 | Pierre Grisvard · Wolfgang L. Wendland · John R. Whiteman | Singularities and Constructive Methods for Their Treatment: Proceedings of the Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, November 20-26, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1121), Band 1121) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15221-7 | Uli Wittmann | Das Konzept Rationaler Preiserwartungen (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (241), Band 241) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15222-4 | Krishnaswami Alladi | Number Theory: Proceedings of the 4th Matscience Conference held at Otacamund, India, January 5-10, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1122), Band 1122) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15223-1 | Yacov Y. Haimes | Decision Making with Multiple Objectives: Proceedings, Cleveland, Ohio, 1984: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Multiple-Criteria ... and Mathematical Systems (242), Band 242) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15225-5 | Franco Brezzi | Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics: Lectures given at the 3rd 1983 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (CIME) held at Como, Italy, ... Notes in Mathematics (1127), Band 1127) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15226-2 | R.v. Randow | Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1981-1984 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (243), Band 243) |
'' | 978-3-540-15227-9 | Alberto Apostolico · Zvi Galil | Combinatorial Algorithms on Words (Nato ASI Subseries F: (12), Band 12) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15228-6 | Giuseppe Grioli | Thermodynamics and Constitutive Equations: Lectures Given at the 2nd 1982 Session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at ... (Lecture Notes in Physics (228), Band 228) |
'' | 978-3-540-15229-3 | C.D. Aliprantis · O. Burkinshaw · N.J. Rothman | Advances in Equilibrium Theory: Proceedings Of The Conference On General Equilibrium Theory. Held At Indiana University-Purdue University At . . . ... Economics and Mathematical Systems, Band 244) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15230-9 | Jaques Azéma · Marc Yor | Séminaire de Probabilités XIX 1983/84: Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1123), Band 1123) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15231-6 | Thomas Aigner | Storm Depositional Systems: Dynamic Stratigraphy in Modern and Ancient Shallow-Marine Sequences (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences) (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences (3), Band 3) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15232-3 | Eduard Casas-Alvero · Sebastian Xambó-Descamps · Gerald E. Welters | Algebraic Geometry, Sitges (Barcelona) 1983: Proceedings of a Conference held in Sitges (Barcelona), Spain, October 5-12, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1124), Band 1124) |
'' | 978-3-540-15233-0 | Boele L.J. Braaksma · Hendrik Broer · Floris Takens | Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Groningen, The Netherlands, April 16-20, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Band 1125) |
'' | 978-3-540-15234-7 | Peter R. Turner | Numerical Analysis, Lancaster 1984: Proceedings of the SERC Summer School held in Lancaster, England, July 15 - August 3, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1129), Band 1129) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15235-4 | Andrew Ranicki | Algebraic and Geometric Topology: Proceedings of a Conference held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, July 6-13, 1983 (Lecture Notes in ... Notes in Mathematics (1126), Band 1126) |
2009 | 978-3-540-15236-1 | Carlos Augusto Di Prisco | Methods in Mathematical Logic: Proceedings of the 6th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic held in Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 1-6, 1983 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1130), Band 1130) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15237-8 | K. Sundaresan | Geometry and Nonlinear Analysis in Banach Spaces (Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1131), Band 1131) |
'' | 978-3-540-15239-2 | Howard Barringer | A Survey of Verification Techniques for Parallel Programs (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (191), Band 191) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15241-5 | Jochen E.M. Wilhelm | Arbitrage Theory: Introductory Lectures on Arbitrage-Based Financial Asset Pricing (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Band 245) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15244-6 | Sadik Kakac · Yaman Yener | Heat Conduction |
'' | 978-3-540-15245-3 | G.M. Friedman · W.E. Krumbein · M.R. Buyce · G. Gerdes | Hypersaline Ecosystems: The Gavish Sabkha (Ecological Studies (53), Band 53) |
'' | 978-3-540-15246-0 | Werner Wachsmuth | Reden und Aufsätze 1930-1984 |
'' | 978-3-540-15247-7 | M. Pichal | Optical Methods in Dynamics of Fluids and Solids: Proceedings of an International Symposium, held at the Institute of Thermomechanics Czechoslovak ... September 17-21, 1984 (IUTAM Symposia) |
'' | 978-3-540-15248-4 | C. Krüger · E. Ziegler · G. Szekely · J. Gasteiger · J.T. Clerc · P. Bischof · R.W. Arndt | Computer in der Chemie: Praxisorientierte Einführung |
1985 | 978-3-540-15249-1 | Hubert Hofmann | Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: Results of New Trials |
'' | 978-3-540-15250-7 | Victor V. Kozlov | Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Symposium, Novosibirsk, USSR July 9-13, 1984 (IUTAM Symposia) |
'' | 978-3-540-15251-4 | J. Neukirch | Class Field Theory (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 280) |
'' | 978-3-540-15252-1 | Friedrich-Karl Ewert | Rock Grouting: with Emphasis on Dam Sites |
'' | 978-3-540-15253-8 | Amnon Carmi | Nursing Law and Ethics (Medicolegal Library, Band 4) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15254-5 | Ekkehart Schlicht | Isolation and Aggregation in Economics |
'' | 978-3-540-15255-2 | Ingomar-Werner Franz · Harald Mellerowicz · Wolfgang Noack | Training und Sport zur Prävention und Rehabilitation in der technisierten Umwelt / Training and Sport for Prevention and Rehabilitation in the ... Berlin, 27.-29. September 1984 |
'' | 978-3-540-15256-9 | Santosh K. Shrivastava | Reliable Computer Systems: Collected Papers of the Newcastle Reliability Project (Monographs in Computer Science) |
'' | 978-3-540-15258-3 | Ina Pichlmayr | EEG-Atlas für Anästhesisten |
'' | 978-3-540-15259-0 | Joseph J. Hlavka · James H. Boothe · W. Rogalski · Z. Vanek · R.K. Blackwood · J.H. Boothe · I. Chopra · B.A. Cunha | The Tetracyclines (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (78), Band 78) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15260-6 | Arthur Jaffe | Quantum Field Theory: A Selection of Papers in Memoriam Kurt Symanzik |
'' | 978-3-540-15261-3 | J. L. Vincent | Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Brussels, ... and Intensive Care Medicine (178), Band 178) |
1988 | 978-3-540-15263-7 | Günther Antes · Franz Eggemann | Small Bowel Radiology: Introduction and Atlas |
1985 | 978-3-540-15264-4 | Beate M. Czarnetzki | Urticaria |
1987 | 978-3-540-15265-1 | F.B. Michel · J. Bousquet · P. Godard | Highlights in Asthmology |
1985 | 978-3-540-15266-8 | Gert Haubensak | Absolutes und Vergleichendes Urteil: Eine Einführung in die Theorie Psychischer Bezugssysteme (Lehr- und Forschungstexte Psychologie (12), Band 12) |
'' | 978-3-540-15267-5 | B.P. Marin | Biochemistry and Function of Vacuolar Adenosine-Triphosphatase in Fungi and Plants |
1987 | 978-3-540-15270-5 | Wilhelm Braune · Otto Fischer | The Human Gait |
1986 | 978-3-540-15271-2 | Ralph T. Manktelow | Microvascular Reconstruction: Anatomy, Applications and Surgical Technique |
1985 | 978-3-540-15273-6 | Francisco Claro | Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics: Proceedings of the 1984 Latin American School of Physics, Santiago, Chile, July 16-August 3, 1984 (Springer Proceedings in Physics (3), Band 3) |
'' | 978-3-540-15274-3 | L. Rensing · N.I. Jaeger | Temporal Order: Proceedings of a Symposium on Oscillations in Heterogeneous Chemical and Biological Systems, University of Bremen, September 17-22, 1984 (Springer Series in Synergetics (29), Band 29) |
1987 | 978-3-540-15278-1 | Ricardo Mane | Ergodic Theory and Differentiable Dynamics (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics (8), Band 8) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15279-8 | Arthur L. Besse | Einstein Manifolds (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics (10)) |
1994 | 978-3-540-15281-1 | Viacheslav V. Nikulin | Geometries and Groups (Universitext) |
1988 | 978-3-540-15283-5 | Jean-Paul Delahaye | Sequence Transformations (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Band 11) |
2008 | 978-3-540-15284-2 | George C. Hsiao · Wolfgang L. Wendland | Boundary Integral Equations (Applied Mathematical Sciences (164), Band 164) |
1989 | 978-3-540-15285-9 | Andras Recski | Matroid Theory and its Applications in Electric Network Theory and in Statics (Algorithms and Combinatorics (6), Band 6) |
1991 | 978-3-540-15286-6 | Claude Brezinski | History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Band 12) |
1988 | 978-3-540-15289-7 | Manfred Herrmann · Shin Ikeda · Ulrich Orbanz | Equimultiplicity and Blowing Up: An Algebraic Study |
1985 | 978-3-540-15290-3 | Brigitte Demes | Biomechanics of the Primate Skull Base (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology (94), Band 94) |
2013 | 978-3-540-15291-0 | José María Montesinos | Classical Tessellations and Three-Manifolds (Universitext) |
1989 | 978-3-540-15292-7 | Bernt Oksendal | Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications (Universitext) |
2013 | 978-3-540-15293-4 | J.J. Duistermaat | Lie Groups (Universitext) |
1987 | 978-3-540-15294-1 | Anatolij N. Andrianov | Quadratic Forms and Hecke Operators (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 286) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15295-8 | Komaravolu Chandrasekharan | Elliptic Functions (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften (281), Band 281) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15296-5 | Pierre Lelong · Lawrence Gruman | Entire Functions of Several Complex Variables (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften (282), Band 282) |
1988 | 978-3-540-15298-9 | John T. Baldwin | Fundamentals of Stability Theory (Perspectives in Mathematical Logic) |
1987 | 978-3-540-15299-6 | Robert I. Soare | Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degrees: A Study of Computable Functions and Computably Generated Sets (Perspectives in Mathematical Logic) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15300-9 | R.G. Hansford · D.J. Cash · H. Aoshima · E.B. Pasquale · G.P. Hess · W. Jäning | Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (102), Band 102) |
'' | 978-3-540-15302-3 | Eizi Hirota | High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Transient Molecules (Springer Series in Chemical Physics (40), Band 40) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15303-0 | A.D. Blest · B. Claas · F.G. Barth · Gerta Fleissner · Günther Fleissner · K.S. Babu · R.F. Foelix | Neurobiology of Arachnids |
'' | 978-3-540-15304-7 | George G. Jackson · Herbert Thomas · V. Braun · Z.A. McGee · W. Opferkuch | The Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections (Bayer-Symposium (8), Band 8) |
1996 | 978-3-540-15307-8 | J. Elstrodt | Maß- und Integrationstheorie (Springer-Lehrbuch) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15308-5 | Israel Goldberg | Single Cell Protein (Biotechnology Monographs, Band 1) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15311-5 | B.v. Gaudecker · G. Janossy · H.K. Müller-Hermelink · M. Bofill · M. Chilosi · M. Marino · N. Dourov | The Human Thymus: Histophysiology and Pathology (Current Topics in Pathology, Band 75) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15312-2 | D.F. Toomey · M.H. Nitecki | Paleoalgology: Contemporary Research and Applications |
'' | 978-3-540-15313-9 | Wolfgang Künzel | Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Clinical Practice and Pathophysiology |
1986 | 978-3-540-15314-6 | Takeo Nagayo | Histogenesis and Precursors of Human Gastric Cancer: Research and Practice |
1985 | 978-3-540-15315-3 | Waldemar C. Hecker | Surgical Correction of Intersexual Genitalia and Female Genital Malformation |
1986 | 978-3-540-15316-0 | Bjarte G. Solheim · Erna Moller · Soldano Ferrone | HLA Class II Antigens: A Comprehensive Review of Structure and Function |
'' | 978-3-540-15317-7 | Peter Kramer | Arteriovenous Hemofiltration: A Kidney Replacement Therapy for the Intensive Care Unit |
2013 | 978-3-540-15318-4 | Volker Pfaffenrath | Updating in Headache |
1985 | 978-3-540-15319-1 | Kenji Yoshihara · Hiroshi Kudo · Tsutomu Sekine | Periodic Table with Nuclides and Reference Data: Poster |
'' | 978-3-540-15320-7 | Philip L. Ballard | Hormones and Lung Maturation (Monographs on Endocrinology (28), Band 28) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15321-4 | Ulrich Westphal | Steroid-Protein Interactions II (Monographs on Endocrinology (27), Band 27) |
'' | 978-3-540-15322-1 | Ingomar W. Franz | Ergometry in Hypertensive Patients: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment |
1986 | 978-3-540-15324-5 | Jean-Francois Bonneville · F. Cattin · Jean-Louis Dietemann | Computed Tomography of the Pituitary Gland: With a Chapter on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Sellar and Juxtasellar Region, By M. Mu Huo Teng and K. Sartor |
1987 | 978-3-540-15325-2 | Claus Diebler · Olivier Dulac | Pediatric Neurology and Neuroradiology: Cerebral and Cranial Diseases |
1985 | 978-3-540-15326-9 | Louis Jeanmart | Tumors (Radiology of the Spine) |
'' | 978-3-540-15327-6 | Auguste Wackenheim | Cervico-Occipital Joint (RX, CT): 158 Radiological Exercises for Students and Practitioners (Exercises in Radiological Diagnosis) |
1988 | 978-3-540-15328-3 | Pierre Haehnel | Mammography: 83 Radiological Exercises for Students and Practitioners (Exercises in Radiological Diagnosis) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15329-0 | Rolf Neth | Modern Trends in Human Leukemia VI: New Results in Clinical and Biological Research Including Pediatric Oncology (Haematology and Blood Transfusion Hämatologie und Bluttransfusion, Band 29) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15330-6 | Ronald Marks · Gerd Plewig | Skin Models: Models to Study Function and Disease of Skin |
'' | 978-3-540-15331-3 | Dietrich Schuppan · Anthony D. Dayan · Frances A. Charlesworth | The Contribution of Acute Toxicity Testing to the Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals |
'' | 978-3-540-15332-0 | Otto G. Bier | Fundamentals of Immunology |
1986 | 978-3-540-15333-7 | M. Wiesendanger · H. Passow | Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology 103 |
1985 | 978-3-540-15334-4 | Alain Weissman · Michel Clot · Jacques Grellet | Double Contrast Examination of the Colon: Principles and Practice |
1986 | 978-3-540-15335-1 | Leonid L. Lazutin | X-Ray Emission of Auroral Electrons and Magnetospheric Dynamics (Physics and Chemistry in Space (14), Band 14) |
'' | 978-3-540-15336-8 | Vladimir A. Krasnopolsky | Photochemistry of the Atmospheres of Mars and Venus (Physics and Chemistry in Space (13), Band 13) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15337-5 | Michael Köhncke | The Chondrocranium of Cryptoprocta Ferox (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology (95), Band 95) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15338-2 | C. Leonardus Veenman | The Nucleus Basalis-Neostriatum Complex in the Goose (Anser anser L) (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology (96), Band 96) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15339-9 | R.C. Hardie · H. Machemer · J.W. Deitmer · M. Lindauer · H. Martin · H. Bleckmann | Progress in Sensory Physiology |
'' | 978-3-540-15340-5 | T. Sato · K.B. Doving · J.A. Coles · S. Mense | Progress in Sensory Physiology |
1986 | 978-3-540-15341-2 | Detlev Ganten · Donald Pfaff · J.P.H. Burbach · M.L. Forsling · R. Ivell · G.L. Kovacs · B.T. Pickering · D.G. Porter | Neurobiology of Oxytocin (Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology (6), Band 6) |
'' | 978-3-540-15342-9 | Paul A. Voûte | Cancer in Children, Second Revised and Enlarge Edition: Clinical Management (UICC Current Treatment of Cancer) |
'' | 978-3-540-15343-6 | Francis S. Weill · Edmond Bihr · Paul Rohmer · Francois Zeltner | Renal Sonography |
1985 | 978-3-540-15345-0 | Cornelis J.P. Thijn | Radiology of the Hand: A Diagnostic Synopsis of Many General Diseases |
1985 | 978-3-540-15346-7 | Radivoj V. Krstic | General Histology of the Mammal: An Atlas for Students of Medicine and Biology |
1987 | 978-3-540-15347-4 | S. Monfardini | Manual of Adult and Paediatric Medical Oncology (UICC International Union Against Cancer) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15348-1 | M. Hansmann · B.-J. Hackelöer · A. Staudach | Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1985 | 978-3-540-15349-8 | R. Nieuwenhuys | Chemoarchitecture of the Brain |
1990 | 978-3-540-15350-4 | Susanne Klein-Vogelbach | Functional Kinetics: Observing, Analyzing, & Teaching Human Movement: Observing, Analyzing and Teaching Human Movement |
1985 | 978-3-540-15353-5 | G. Giudice | The Sea Urchin Embryo: A Developmental Biological System |
'' | 978-3-540-15355-9 | Harald Schrödter | Verdunstung: Anwendungsorientierte Meßverfahren und Bestimmungsmethoden (Hochschultext) |
'' | 978-3-540-15356-6 | Wolfgang Langosch | Psychische Bewältigung der chronischen Herzerkrankung |
'' | 978-3-540-15357-3 | Wolfgang Lutzeyer · Josef Hannappel | Urodynamics: Upper and Lower Urinary Tract II |
'' | 978-3-540-15361-0 | Stephen H. Davis · John L. Lumley | Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics: A Collection of Research Papers Written in Commemoration of the 65th Birthday of Stanley Corrsin |
1986 | 978-3-540-15362-7 | E.A. Jenne · F.E. Brinckman · K.J. Irgolic · M. Bernhard · P.J. Sadler · U. Förstner · W. Mertz | The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in Environmental Processes: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on the Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in ... 2-7 (Dahlem Workshop Report (33), Band 33) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15363-4 | H. Stieve · Henning Stieve · K. Kirschfeld · M. Chabre · M.D. Bownds · M.L. Applebury · T.D. Lamb | The Molecular Mechanism of Photoreception: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on the Molecular Mechanism of Photoreception Berlin 1984, November 25-30 (Dahlem Workshop Report, Band 34) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15365-8 | Erwin Deutsch · Hans-Ludwig Schreiber · J. Blackie · J. Santos Briz · F. Busnelli · R.O. Dalcq · E. Deutsch · J. de Figueiredo Dias | Medical Responsibility in Western Europe: Research Study of the European Science Foundation |
'' | 978-3-540-15366-5 | Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld | Ingenieurgeologische Probleme im Grenzbereich zwischen Locker- und Festgesteinen |
'' | 978-3-540-15367-2 | Ulrich Briefs | Computerization and Work: A Reader on Social Aspects of Computerization (IFIP State-of-the-Art Reports) |
'' | 978-3-540-15368-9 | Johannes Horn | Therapie der chronischen Pankreatitis: Individualisierte Verfahrenswahl · Chirurgische Technik |
'' | 978-3-540-15370-2 | Jorge Moser | Systematische Investitionsplanung (IPA-IAO - Forschung und Praxis (84), Band 84) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15372-6 | Shozo Takeno | Dynamical Problems in Soliton Systems: Proceedings of the Seventh Kyoto Summer Institute, Kyoto, Japan, August 27-31, 1984 (Springer Series in Synergetics (30), Band 30) |
'' | 978-3-540-15373-3 | Paul G. Ranky · C.Y. Ho | Robot Modelling: Control and Applications with Software |
'' | 978-3-540-15376-4 | Thomas Büchner · Clara D. Bloomfield · Wolfgang Hiddemann · Dieter K. Hossfeld · Johannes Schumann | Tumor Aneuploidy |
'' | 978-3-540-15381-8 | Heterocyclic Compounds with One Ring-Chalcogen Atom: Parent Compounds, Hydroxy-Compounds, Monooxo- and Polyoxo-Compounds 4 (Beilstein Handbook of ... Organischen Chemie, 4. Auflage (5 / 17 / 4)) |
'' | 978-3-540-15382-5 | Nikolaus Schwentner · Ernst-Eckhard Koch · Joshua Jortner | Electronic Excitations in Condensed Rare Gases (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics (107)) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15383-2 | Richard Becker | Theorie der Wärme (Heidelberger Taschenbücher (10), Band 10) |
'' | 978-3-540-15387-0 | A. Unsöld · B. Baschek | Der neue Kosmos |
1986 | 978-3-540-15389-4 | Marcelle Mégret | Computed Tomography of the Cranial Skeleton (Face and Skull): 58 Radiological Exercises for Students and Practitioners (Exercises in Radiological Diagnosis) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15393-1 | H. Meinke · F.W. Gundlach | Taschenbuch der Hochfrequenztechnik |
'' | 978-3-540-15394-8 | H.H. Meinke · F.W. Gundlach | Taschenbuch der Hochfrequenztechnik: Band 1: Grundlagen |
1987 | 978-3-540-15400-6 | Markward Marshall | Praktische Phlebologie |
1985 | 978-3-540-15407-5 | Heinz Götze · Rudolf Wille | Musik und Mathematik: Salzburger Musikgespräch 1984 unter Vorsitz von Herbert von Karajan |
'' | 978-3-540-15408-2 | Eike Martin | Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin, 177: Anaesthesiologische Probleme in der Gefäßchirurgie: 2. Rheingau-Workshop |
'' | 978-3-540-15410-5 | M.A. Van Hove · S.Y. Tong | The Structure of Surfaces (Springer Series in Surface Sciences (2), Band 2) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15411-2 | B. Eisenmann · H. Schäfer | Ag-Al-Cd-S ... Cu-Te-Yb (Landolt-Börnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series (14b1), Band 14) |
'' | 978-3-540-15412-9 | Norman M. Bleehen | Tumours of the Brain |
'' | 978-3-540-15418-1 | Peter A. Revell | Pathology of Bone |
'' | 978-3-540-15420-4 | Helmut Schaefer | Struktur und Tendenzen in der industriellen Energiebedarfsdeckung: VDI/VDE/GFPE-Tagung in Schliersee am 6./7. Mai 1985 (FfE - Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (17), Band 17) |
'' | 978-3-540-15421-1 | Richard J. Huggett | Earth Surface Systems (Springer Series in Physical Environment, Band 1) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15422-8 | Toru Moriya | Spin Fluctuations in Itinerant Electron Magnetism (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences (56), Band 56) |
'' | 978-3-540-15423-5 | Waldemar C. Hecker | Operative Korrekturen des intersexuellen und des fehlgebildeten weiblichen Genitales |
1988 | 978-3-540-15424-2 | S. Flügge | General Index / Generalregister (Handbuch der Physik Encyclopedia of Physics, Band 55) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15425-9 | Wilhelm Doerr · O. Haxel · K. Misera · H. Querner · H. Schipperges · G. Seebaß · E. Wolgast · P.A. Riedl | Semper Apertus. Sechshundert Jahre Ruprecht-Karls- Universität Heidelberg, 1386-1986: Band 1: Mittelalter und frühe Neuzeit: 1386-1803. Band 2: Das ... Heidelberg(Textband). Bd. 6: Die Gebäude de |
'' | 978-3-540-15426-6 | A.R. Ross Lorimer | Cardiovascular Disease (Treatment in Clinical Medicine) |
'' | 978-3-540-15427-3 | Rudolf Gross | Geistige Grundlagen der Medizin |
1987 | 978-3-540-15429-7 | Ichiro Kato · Kuni Sadamoto | Mechanical Hands Illustrated |
1985 | 978-3-540-15430-3 | H. L. Jordan | Nonlinear Dynamics of Transcritical Flows: Proceedings of a DFVLR International Colloquium, Bonn, Germany, March 26, 1984: Proceedings of a DFVLR ... (Lecture Notes in Engineering (13), Band 13) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15435-8 | A. Krawietz | Materialtheorie: Mathematische Beschreibung des phänomenologischen thermomechanischen Verhaltens |
'' | 978-3-540-15436-5 | Christopher J. Davis · Gerry V. Lake-Bakaar · David G. Grahame-Smith | Nausea and Vomiting: Mechanisms and Treatment (Advances in Applied Neurological Sciences (3), Band 3) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15439-6 | Hartmut Schulz · Peretz Lavie | Ultradian Rhythms in Physiology and Behavior (Experimental Brain Research Series, Band 12) |
1985 | 978-3-540-15440-2 | William Guy | The AGP System: Manual for the Documentation of Psychopathology in Gerontopsychiatry |
1986 | 978-3-540-15441-9 | Norman Sartorius · Thomas A. Ban | Assessment of Depression |
1985 | 978-3-540-15442-6 | Thomas B. Seiler · Wolfgang Wannenmacher · H. Aebli | Begriffs- und Wortbedeutungsentwicklung: Theoretische, empirische und methodische Untersuchungen |
1986 | 978-3-540-15443-3 | Hans Werner Bierhoff | PERSONENWAHRNEHMUNG - PSYCHOLOGIE |
1985 | 978-3-540-15444-0 | John A. Michon · Janet L. Jackson | Time, Mind, and Behavior |
'' | 978-3-540-15446-4 | C. Gleitzer · J.B. Goodenough · B.G. Hyde · M. O'Keeffe · U. Weser | Cation Ordering and Electron Transfer (Structure and Bonding (61), Band 61) |
'' | 978-3-540-15447-1 | Karsten Reise | Tidal Flat Ecology: An Experimental Approach to Species Interactions (Ecological Studies (54)) |
'' | 978-3-540-15450-1 | Detlef Oyen | Zur Geschichte der Diabetesdiät |
'' | 978-3-540-15451-8 | Bernhard Kramer · Gerd Bergmann · Yvan Bruynseraede | Localization, Interaction, and Transport Phenomena: Proceedings of the International Conference, August 23-28, 1984 Braunschweig, Fed. Rep. of Germany ... Series in Solid-State Sciences (61), Band 61) |
1986 | 978-3-540-15454-9 | Michael Berger | Praxis der Insulintherapie (Kliniktaschenbücher) |