Intermolecular Forces and Clusters I (Structure and Bonding (115), Band 115)


von: D. Wales · P.W. Fowler · I.W. Jenneskens · C. Nillot · P.L.A. Popelier · L.S. Price · S.L. Price · A. Soncini


ISBN-13: 978-3-540-28194-8

ISBN-10: 3-540-28194-0

Springer · 2005

S. auch:
2010TaschenbuchIntermolecular Forces and Clusters II (Structure and Bonding, Band 116)
2010TaschenbuchIntermolecular Forces and Clusters I (Structure and Bonding, Band 115)
2005Gebundene AusgabeIntermolecular Forces and Clusters II (Structure and Bonding (116), Band 116)