Plant Growth Substances 1985: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Held at Heidelberg, August 26-31, 1985 (Proceedings in Life Sciences)


von Martin Bopp


ISBN-13: 978-3-540-16267-4

ISBN-10: 3-540-16267-4

Springer · 1986

Siehe auch:
1986HardcoverPlant growth substances 1985: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, held at Heidelberg, August 26-31, 1985 (Proceedings in life sciences)
1931TaschenbuchPlant Growth Substances 1985: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Held at Heidelberg, August 26-31, 1985 (Proceedings in Life Sciences)