Read the Cultural Other: Forms of Otherness in the Discourses of Hong Kong's Decolonization (Language, Power and Social Process [LPSP], Band 14)


von: Shi-xu · Manfred Kienpointner · Jan Servaes


ISBN-13: 978-3-11-916647-8

ISBN-10: 3-11-916647-2

De Gruyter Mouton · 2008

Siehe auch:
2006TaschenbuchRead the Cultural Other: Forms of Otherness in the Discourses of Hong Kong's Decolonization (Language, Power and Social Process [LPSP], Band 14)
2005Gebundene AusgabeRead the Cultural Other: Forms of Otherness in the Discourses of Hong Kong's Decolonization (Language, Power and Social Process [LPSP], Band 14)